Lament for a Son Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicholas Wolterstorff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lament for a Son Test | Final Test - Easy

Nicholas Wolterstorff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Nicholas, when will the world's redemption be fulfilled?
(a) When judgment day comes.
(b) When Satan is bound in the pit.
(c) When Jesus returns.
(d) When God's cup of suffering is full.

2. On page 83, what metaphor does Nicholas use to describe what it is to be human?
(a) Glass.
(b) Window.
(c) Mirror.
(d) Icon.

3. What does Nicholas look forward to doing on the Great Day when all will be reunited?
(a) Being able to dispense with guilt.
(b) Throwing himself into the arms of those he's wronged and saying, "I'm sorry."
(c) Being able to sing with the angels.
(d) Being able to worship at God's throne.

4. On page 56, what did a friend remark about grief?
(a) It isolates.
(b) It separates.
(c) It scores the soul.
(d) It divides.

5. What repelled Nicholas when he walked into a store?
(a) The people who gave him their condolences.
(b) The ordinariness of what he saw.
(c) The hustle and bustle in the store.
(d) Seeing Eric's old friends.

6. In one respect, how does man mirror God?
(a) In happiness.
(b) In death.
(c) In faith.
(d) In our knowledge.

7. What does Nicholas say that he does now instead of rowing?
(a) He walks.
(b) He swims.
(c) He runs.
(d) He floats.

8. What metaphor does Nicholas use on page 76 to refer to faith?
(a) A covered walk.
(b) A path.
(c) A footbridge.
(d) A sidewalk.

9. On Page 80, what does it say that God has allowed to flow?
(a) Rivers of blood.
(b) Rivers of grief.
(c) Rivers of death.
(d) Rivers of pain.

10. On page 85, who does Nicholas say are the mourners?
(a) Those who have caught a glimpse of God's new day.
(b) Those who have found joy in God.
(c) Those who see beyond sorrow.
(d) Those who have identified themselves with Jesus Christ.

11. What will happen to him who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow?
(a) He will return with songs of joy carrying sheaves.
(b) He will return with bushels of grain and a faithful heart.
(c) He will return with corn and a joyful heart.
(d) He will return with weeping and gnashing of teeth.

12. Who said, "Be calm. "Disengage yourself. Neither laugh nor weep"?
(a) The Romans.
(b) Epicureans.
(c) Stoics.
(d) The Greeks.

13. What nations does Nicholas mention when he thinks about what it would be like to be a member of a people whose national existence is under attack?
(a) Armenians, Jews, and Palestinians.
(b) Iraqis and Iranians.
(c) Sudan, Pakistan, and India.
(d) Russians and Iranians.

14. When did Nicholas think he heard Eric call, "Hey Dad, I'm back."
(a) When he was in the backyard.
(b) When he was jogging.
(c) When he was moving Eric's belongings.
(d) When he walked by a ball diamond.

15. Who said these words, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted"?
(a) John.
(b) Paul.
(c) Peter.
(d) Jesus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What music of Brahms does Nicholas try to play?

2. Which of the following names is the name of one of Nicholas' children?

3. What were people squeezing at the store when Nicholas was shopping?

4. On page 66, what did a friend say he saw during Eric's funeral?

5. Where was Jesus when he spoke words of comfort to his disciples?

(see the answer keys)

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