Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Erdoes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Erdoes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Richard's Catholic aunt in Austria went to early Mass each morning at what time?
(a) 6 A.M.
(b) 7 A.M.
(c) 5 A.M.
(d) 8 A.M.

2. What was the name of Richard Erdoes' wife?
(a) Jillian.
(b) Jasmine.
(c) Joan.
(d) Jean.

3. Why did Richard's aunt from Austria claim all her fleas liked him better?
(a) Because he was a young boy.
(b) Because they knew she didn't like them.
(c) Because he had sweeter blood.
(d) Because she was a religious woman.

4. When the White Buffalo Woman was addressing the children of the tribe she told them to "remember this and grow up" and do what?
(a) "Teach your children."
(b) "Love the land."
(c) "Live a good and strong life."
(d) "Be better than the past."

5. What shoots out from the wakinyan's eyes?
(a) Fire.
(b) Smoke.
(c) Tears.
(d) Lightning.

6. Lame Deer states that those who saw the unktegila went blind for how many days?
(a) Thirty.
(b) Twety.
(c) One.
(d) Ten.

7. Richard told of times when he and a Hungarian peasant girl would eat bacon with a fine powder of what?
(a) Red paprika.
(b) Black pepper.
(c) Salt.
(d) Cinnamon.

8. The substitute dancers that helped the heyokas put grass in what two places?
(a) Their belts and hair.
(b) Their shoes and ears.
(c) Their belts and shoes.
(d) Their hair and shoes.

9. How many hunters were sent out who discovered the White Buffalo Woman?
(a) Three.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) Five.

10. Lame Deer describes the heyokas as having rattles made from rows of what?
(a) Warrior beads.
(b) Buffalo horns.
(c) Deer hoofs.
(d) Dried corn husks.

11. What does the name of the pipe, Ptehincala Huhu Canunpa mean?
(a) White Buffalo Woman Pipe.
(b) Buffalo Bone Pipe.
(c) Buffalo Calf Bone Pipe.
(d) Buffalo Woman Pipe.

12. What was the name of Winnetou's sidekick?
(a) Old Horse boy.
(b) Old Pacekeeper.
(c) Old Shatterhand.
(d) Old cowboy guns.

13. When Richard stopped his car during his first encounter with the American West, what animal did he hear the calls of?
(a) Wolf.
(b) Cows.
(c) Birds.
(d) Elk.

14. How many children did Richard and his wife have?
(a) Three.
(b) Six.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

15. Lame Deer tells a story from the 1920's when an Indian was running away from a bunch of cowboys on horseback who couldn't catch him. How old was the Indian?
(a) In his sixties.
(b) In his twenties.
(c) In his seventies.
(d) In his thirties.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the the spider-man in Sioux legend?

2. What animal guarded the west entrance to the mountain where the wakinyan lived?

3. At the beginning of Blood Turned Into Stone, Lame Deer talks about the people who inhabited this land a long time ago trying to save themselves from an immense flood by going where?

4. In the story mentioned in the beginning of Blood Turned Into Stone, what made up the large pool of blood?

5. In order for a person to have listened to the story of Much-Blood-Man a person ought to have fasted for how many days?

(see the answer keys)

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