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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Where does Joan find her manuscript?
(a) Under the bed.
(b) In the sweater drawer.
(c) In the underwear drawer.
(d) In a suitcase.
2. In Chapter 5, what does Joan's mother chastise her about?
(a) Her boyfriend.
(b) Her weight.
(c) Her grades.
(d) Her foul language.
3. Why does Joan show up on Arthur's doorstep and ask to be his roommate?
(a) Paul leaves Joan.
(b) Paul's apartment building burns down.
(c) She leaves Paul.
(d) Joan is evicted from Paul's apartment.
4. How many lives does Joan believe she leads?
(a) One.
(b) Six.
(c) Two.
(d) Three.
5. When Joan is brought home by the man who unties her from the tree, what does Joan's mother accuse her of?
(a) Taking too long in the bathroom.
(b) Sneaking around.
(c) Talking loudly.
(d) Eating too little.
Short Answer Questions
1. What letter is missing from Joan's typewriter?
2. What does Joan eat to make her mother angry?
3. Who is Mavis Quilp?
4. Who does Joan see at the Canadian National Exhibition?
5. What happens to Arthur when his political causes fail?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Joan see her father differently after she returns home for the funeral?
2. Describe Joan's approach to meeting Paul and having a relationship with him.
3. What are the implications of Joan sending Arthur a postcard from Rome?
4. Why is Joan's childhood ballet recital such a traumatic experience for her?
5. How does Joan allow Paul to treat her?
6. Why does Joan find it difficult to write when Arthur is depressed?
7. How does Arthur make it easy for Joan to continue to lie to him?
8. Why does Joan try to stop the publication of Lady Oracle?
9. How is Joan's relationship with Arthur based on lies?
10. How does Joan use her personal fears and concerns within the plot of the novel she is writing?
This section contains 858 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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