Lady Audley's Secret Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Audley's Secret Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What instrument does Lady Audley play after dinner?
(a) Piano.
(b) Violin.
(c) Clarinet.
(d) Harp.

2. What does Robert find disturbed when he returns to his flat at Fig Tree Court?
(a) His personal safe.
(b) George's personal papers.
(c) George's luggage.
(d) His personal papers.

3. Where do Robert and George stay while in Audley village in Chapter 7 of Volume 1?
(a) Mount Stanton Inn.
(b) Sun Inn.
(c) Day's Inn.
(d) Moon Inn.

4. Who does Phoebe marry in Chapter 15 of Volume 1?
(a) Mr. Dawson.
(b) Luke Marks.
(c) Daniel O'Brien.
(d) Robert Audley.

5. What does Robert find in regards to these letters in George's trunk?
(a) The letters are typed.
(b) The letters are missing.
(c) The letters are written in a strange shorthand.
(d) The letters are there, but prove nothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Phoebe and Luke find in Lady Audley's jewelry box?

2. What conversation does Robert overhear that gives credence to the idea that someone broke into his flat?

3. What does Robert tell Captain Maldon to do with the information Robert has given him?

4. Who does Robert interrogate about the disturbance in his flat?

5. How does Lady Audley explain the injury Robert notices?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do George and Robert read in the newspaper that causes them to rush to the Isle of Wight?

2. What characteristics of Lucy Graham's draw Lord Audley to her?

3. What injury does Lady Audley have? Why does Robert not believe her explanation for the injury?

4. What fear causes Robert to rush to the Isle of Wight?

5. Where does George go after Robert falls asleep during a fishing trip?

6. Where does Captain Maldon claim George has gone? What proof does he have?

7. What does Mrs. Plowson, Georgie's babysitter, attempt to keep Georgie from telling Robert?

8. What does Robert find when he inspects George's luggage?

9. Why is a second invitation to Audley Court rescinded after George and Robert arrive in a local village?

10. What prevents Robert and George from returning to London at their intended time?

(see the answer keys)

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