L.A. Requiem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

L.A. Requiem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Crais
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Dolan compare Cole?
(a) A fly.
(b) A killer.
(c) A roach.
(d) A mouse.

2. How do the police determine the suspect in Karen Garcia's death?
(a) The person was in love with Karen.
(b) The person had the murder weapon.
(c) The person admitted it.
(d) The person fits the profile.

3. Who was the man taking pictures in the park?
(a) Joshua.
(b) Lennie DeVille.
(c) Frank Garcia.
(d) Elvis Cole.

4. Why does Joe call Elvis?
(a) A girl is missing.
(b) He wants help moving.
(c) He needs advice.
(d) Elvis owes him money.

5. Why does Pike go to see Eugene Dersh?
(a) To confront him.
(b) To arrest him.
(c) To see if he is the killer.
(d) To kill him.

6. Where is Karen Garcia buried?
(a) Parker Center.
(b) Lake Hollywood.
(c) Disneyland.
(d) Forest Lawn Memorial Park.

7. Who was IAG interviewing?
(a) Abel Wozniak.
(b) Joe Pike.
(c) Samantha Dolan.
(d) Elvis Cole.

8. When was the last time Pike was at Parker Center?
(a) Never.
(b) The day Abel Wozniak died.
(c) The day before.
(d) The day Karen Garcia died.

9. Who do Joe and Elvis meet while looking for Karen?
(a) A truck driver.
(b) Karen's ex-husband.
(c) A homeless man.
(d) Karen's boyfriend.

10. What does Jerry say the medical examiner thinks was in Karen's wound?
(a) A bullet.
(b) Bleach.
(c) Water.
(d) Ink.

11. What reason does Krantz give Frank Garcia for not having arrested Dersh yet?
(a) Dersh is not a suspect.
(b) He did not do it.
(c) There is not enough evidence.
(d) Dersh is free on bail.

12. Where is Cole supposed to meet Rusty's cousin, Jerry?
(a) The smoothie shop.
(b) FBI headquarters.
(c) Parker Center.
(d) Tara's Coffee Bar.

13. Who calls for Joe at Karen's apartment?
(a) The watch commander.
(b) Holstein.
(c) The FBI.
(d) Frank's lawyer.

14. Where do Joe and Elvis go first to look for Karen?
(a) Jungle Juice.
(b) Lake Hollywood.
(c) A flower shop.
(d) A strip mall.

15. How does Joe know Karen Garcia?
(a) They dated.
(b) They are married.
(c) They are cousins.
(d) They work together.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gets in Frank Garcia's face at Karen's funeral?

2. What does Cole buy for Lucy in Chapter 9?

3. Who does Frank blame for his daughter's death?

4. Why do people call Krantz "pants"?

5. Who follows Pike to the family day picnic?

(see the answer keys)

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