Kokoro Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kokoro Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Sensei says of the financial agreement reached between him and his uncle that he had two options: to accept what was offered, or to do what?
(a) Kill him.
(b) Withdraw from the family.
(c) Propose a counter offer.
(d) Sue him.

2. How many days a week does K arrive home before Sensei in their last year at the university in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?
(a) 1.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 6.

3. Past what temple does Sensei walk after crossing the Mansei Bridge in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?
(a) Konnyaku-Emma.
(b) Denzuin Temple.
(c) A Shinshu temple.
(d) The Temple of Myojin.

4. What phrase is K particularly interested in when Sensei finds him living in the temple after their first summer from college?
(a) “Buddha and the elephant.”
(b) “Confucius and the fire.”
(c) “Jesus and the books.”
(d) “Mohammed and the sword.”

5. Sensei writes in Part III, Sensei’s Testament, that he was brought up to be what?
(a) An educated man.
(b) An ethical man.
(c) An endearing man.
(d) An excitable man.

6. What refers to the medieval Japanese act of vassals committing ritual suicide upon the death of their lord?
(a) Samurai.
(b) Junshi.
(c) Shinshu.
(d) Kimono.

7. Through the grounds of what temple does Sensei enter the house of Okusan in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?
(a) Myojin.
(b) Shinshu.
(c) Denzuin.
(d) Konnyaku-Emma.

8. What indiscretion of his uncle’s does Sensei learn about on his third summer home from college in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?
(a) He has divorced his wife.
(b) He has a drinking problem.
(c) He has a mistress in town.
(d) He is a political spy.

9. What religious book does Sensei find in K’s room at the temple after he returns from his first summer vacation at college?
(a) A Bible.
(b) A Koran.
(c) A torah.
(d) A Vinaya.

10. How many siblings did Sensei have growing up?
(a) 2.
(b) 1.
(c) 3.
(d) 0.

11. Where did Sensei visit before leaving his home for Tokyo after the quarrel with his uncle in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?
(a) His parents’ graves.
(b) The nunnery.
(c) His sister's grave.
(d) The temple square.

12. What church does Sensei say was very powerful in his native district in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?
(a) The Shinshu church.
(b) The Myojin church.
(c) The Hongan church.
(d) The Denzuin church.

13. Sensei apologizes in Part III, Sensei’s Testament for being what kind of person?
(a) Inconsistent.
(b) Gregarious.
(c) Contemptuous.
(d) Disorderly.

14. Sensei and K decide to go to the coast of where in Part III, Sensei’s Testament during summer vacation?
(a) Masagocho.
(b) Ochanomizu.
(c) Tomiura.
(d) Boshu.

15. How does Sensei presumably die at the end of the novel?
(a) He commits suicide.
(b) He dies of cancer.
(c) He is murdered.
(d) He does of tuberculosis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who informs Sensei of the widow and her vacant room in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?

2. By what name does the narrator’s father refer to his wife in Part II, My Parents and I?

3. The narrator’s father says in Part II, My Parents and I, “We are not in Tokyo, you know. Country people are rather” what?

4. Sensei says he was not yet how old when he lost both of his parents in Part III, Sensei’s Testament?

5. Sensei asks himself in Part III, Sensei’s Testament, “Can one expect the complicated mechanism of the human mind to betray its purposes so obviously, as though it were some kind of” what?

(see the answer keys)

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