Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Severo do about Beneditx?
(a) Sends him to Rome.
(b) Has him arrested for heresy.
(c) Has him try again with Palinor.
(d) Sends him back to Galilea.

2. What does Fra Murta believe about the eventual outcome of the "Amara" experiment?
(a) It will confirm God's existence.
(b) It will not support the church.
(c) It will condemn heresy.
(d) It will prove useless.

3. Why does Rafal tell Severo he can no longer serve him?
(a) He wants to get married.
(b) He is too old.
(c) He is ill and dying.
(d) He no longer believes in God.

4. What does Severo say settled the question about Palinor's knowledge of God?
(a) Amara not knowing about God.
(b) His honesty and integrity.
(c) Beneditx's long conversations with him.
(d) The fact that he is from another country.

5. Where does Jamie go to search for Amara's mother?
(a) To the coast.
(b) High in the mountains.
(c) Inside all the brothels.
(d) To the waterfalls.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Palinor doing when Fra Murta comes upon him?

2. Where does Jamie stay when he comes to take Amara?

3. What does Amara ask Pare Aldonza?

4. What has Palinor the most afraid?

5. What do the servants where Palinor is staying demand of Fra Murta?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sor Agnete realize about the crucifix in the chapel?

2. Why are the nuns upset and what does Pare Aldonza say and then suggest?

3. What does Rafal tell Severo and what does Severo do?

4. What happens when Palinor is tortured?

5. What does Severo say to Fra Murta to explain his behavior concerning Palinor? How does the Fra feel about it?

6. What does Eseranca say about Palinor?

7. How does Severo feel about Fra Murta and why?

8. What happens with Beneditx?

9. What does Severo hope about Fra Murta?

10. Why does Severo turn Palinor over to Fra Murta?

(see the answer keys)

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