Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Knowledge of Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Fra Murta's minions force Palinor to do?
(a) Wear a black hood.
(b) Straddle a large log with his hands bound.
(c) Go to his knees.
(d) Take communion.

2. What does Fra Murta believe about the eventual outcome of the "Amara" experiment?
(a) It will condemn heresy.
(b) It will confirm God's existence.
(c) It will not support the church.
(d) It will prove useless.

3. How does Galceran show he may have exposed Amara to God?
(a) Telling her the Lord's Prayer.
(b) Praying within range of her hearing.
(c) Taking her to a chapel.
(d) Cursing at her.

4. What does Fra Murta believe about Palinor's descriptions of Aclar?
(a) That he is lying.
(b) That he should burn for them.
(c) That he would like to visit.
(d) That it does not exist.

5. What does Amara ask Pare Aldonza?
(a) Why she has to eat vegetables.
(b) Why Josefa takes care of her.
(c) Why she thinks God exist.
(d) Why she is being kept at the abbey.

6. From whom does Jamie find out about Amara's birth?
(a) Jamie's brother.
(b) A brothel owner.
(c) A shepherd.
(d) Pirates.

7. Why does Rafal tell Severo he can no longer serve him?
(a) He no longer believes in God.
(b) He is ill and dying.
(c) He wants to get married.
(d) He is too old.

8. What does Amara see when she is high on the mountain?
(a) The pirates' cove.
(b) Black specks on the ocean.
(c) The abbey far below.
(d) A pack of wolves.

9. Why does Fra Murta believe Amara answered his questions as she did?
(a) She was playing dumb.
(b) She didn't understand the questions.
(c) She was too smart for him.
(d) She had too much depth to be understood.

10. Where do many mothers leave their babies?
(a) At the doctors.
(b) At the hospital.
(c) At the church.
(d) At the tavern.

11. What does Severo do when Amara answers Fra Murta's second set of questions?
(a) He cries.
(b) He accuses her of being coached.
(c) He kills Fra Murta.
(d) He runs away.

12. What religion is the land of Aclar?
(a) There are no churches.
(b) It is Catholic.
(c) People choose their own religion.
(d) It is atheistic.

13. Who is the only person who ends up escaping all the consequences of Palinor's death?
(a) Amara.
(b) Severo.
(c) Fra Murta.
(d) Beneditx.

14. From where have Joffre and Dolca walked?
(a) From the convent.
(b) From the mountains.
(c) From Saracen's House.
(d) From Ciudad.

15. Why does the inquisitor know he has Palinor?
(a) He tells him God will take care of him.
(b) He tells him God should rot him in hell.
(c) He refuses to speak.
(d) He tells him his confession was false.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Severo tell Fra Murta is the reason he didn't follow procedure with Palinor?

2. What do the nuns believe about Amara and Fra Murta?

3. What does Amara say when asked about her twin?

4. Where is Palinor confined by Fra Murta?

5. Where does Palinor go with Fra Murta?

(see the answer keys)

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