Knowledge of Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Knowledge of Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Palinor wonder about his wife?
(a) If she thinks he is dead or if she has taken up with his cousin.
(b) If she is still alive.
(c) If he has another woman.
(d) If he left her intentionally.

2. What do Severo and Beneditx decide to do about Palinor?
(a) To send him to his own country.
(b) To put him back in prison for a while.
(c) To ask him to pretend to believe in God.
(d) To ask him what he believes.

3. Who sends a priest for the child?
(a) Juan.
(b) Rafal
(c) Miguel.
(d) Severo.

4. What happens to Amara?
(a) She escapes again.
(b) She begins speaking in sentences.
(c) She becomes very ill.
(d) She dies.

5. Who approaches Josefa and Amara?
(a) Another nun.
(b) A man with scars on his face.
(c) A woman who says Amara is her child.
(d) Severo.

6. What do Severo and Beneditx debate?
(a) How many angels can sit on the head of a pin.
(b) The issue of Palinor's lack of belief in God.
(c) Why God created them.
(d) Whether the wolf child deserves baptism.

7. What makes Josefa happy about Amara's question?
(a) That Amara can observe the difference between what Josefa does and what the other nuns do.
(b) That Amara is curious about God.
(c) That Amara remembers the past.
(d) That Amara understands the idea of being free.

8. What is one of Beneditx's outstanding characteristics?
(a) Humility.
(b) Intelligence.
(c) Ignorance.
(d) Arrogance.

9. Where do they decide to send Palinor?
(a) To Constantinople.
(b) To prison again.
(c) To Rome.
(d) To Severo.

10. What is the time and setting supposed to resemble?
(a) 1450 in Catalina.
(b) 1100 in Tasmania.
(c) 1500 in Atlantis.
(d) 1450 in Mallorca.

11. What stimulates Severo?
(a) The intellectual discussions.
(b) The wolf child's speech.
(c) The idea of no angels.
(d) The idea of no god.

12. Who takes in Josefa?
(a) The nunnery at Sant Clara.
(b) Josefa's older sister.
(c) A tailor to be his wife.
(d) The local school system who need a new teacher.

13. What does Joffre reveal to Palinor?
(a) That Dolca is actually his sweetheart, not his sister.
(b) That Joffre is attracted to Palinor.
(c) That Dolca was once raped and will not have sex since.
(d) That Dolca loves Palinor.

14. What does Palinor say is proof of what is?
(a) The way the wind can be felt but not seen.
(b) There is no proof of what is.
(c) The way flowers grow.
(d) What people can see, taste, touch, and smell.

15. From where is Palinor?
(a) Catalina.
(b) Atlantis.
(c) Aclar.
(d) Islamorada.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who accidentally lets Amara out among some dogs?

2. Who is Margarlida ordering around?

3. Who diagnoses Amara?

4. What takes Beneditx and Severo by surprise?

5. How does Amara walk now?

(see the answer keys)

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