Klara and the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Klara and the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Paul worried about Josie while they are all sitting at dinner?
(a) She keeps looking nervously outside.
(b) She is slumped over the table.
(c) She is crying.
(d) She is very quiet.

2. What is Klara surprised to see in the barn the first time she enters it?
(a) Lots of people.
(b) Red shelving with ceramic coffee cups, like she saw in her store.
(c) Jewelry.
(d) Animals.

3. What does Josie make for Rick after Rick gets angry at her in Part III?
(a) A cake.
(b) A song.
(c) A special dance.
(d) A drawing.

4. What does Josie tell Klara when Klara hesitates to separate from Josie?
(a) She will never let anything bad happen to Klara.
(b) She wants Klara to leave her household.
(c) She is happy to see Klara and Rick hitting it off so well.
(d) She is not going to get better.

5. What does Paul tell Helen about genuine ability like Rick's?
(a) It does not really matter anymore.
(b) It is only really possible in lifteds.
(c) It should still get noticed, unless the world is completely crazy now.
(d) It will only be nurtured in the best institutions.

6. What does Helen say about Paul at the restaurant that offends him?
(a) He worked for his whole career for an evil company.
(b) He makes too much money.
(c) He has fascistic leanings.
(d) He betrayed Rick.

7. What does Klara think of Josie's portrait in progress?
(a) Klara thinks it looks like a skeleton and bears no resemblance to Josie.
(b) Josie will love it.
(c) The eyes have no kindness, and Josie will not like how the hair looks.
(d) It looks exactly like Josie.

8. What does Josie say when Klara suggests playing the bubble game with her?
(a) She says there is no way it would work.
(b) She says she would like to try to play with Klara.
(c) She says she can not play with Klara because it will hurt Chrissie's feelings.
(d) She says Klara can not play because she is not smart enough.

9. What does Rick's mother tell Klara she used to do?
(a) Work as an accountant.
(b) Build houses.
(c) Build robots.
(d) Act.

10. What does Klara tell Rick that Josie intends with the gift she sends Klara with to Rick in Part III?
(a) To make Rick angry.
(b) To make Rick want to ask his mother for him to get lifted.
(c) To apologize to Rick.
(d) To make Rick want to move away.

11. What is Mr. Capaldi's first name?
(a) Peter.
(b) Henry.
(c) Brian.
(d) Ryan.

12. What does Melania ask Klara to do in the city when she visits there with Josie?
(a) Keep a close eye on Chrissie, because Chrissie has been acting strangely.
(b) Buy Josie a piece of jewelry.
(c) Keep a close eye on the artist doing Josie's portrait, because Melania thinks he is creepy.
(d) Buy Melania something special.

13. What does Rick's mother suggest she might treat Klara as, instead of as a guest?
(a) A fish.
(b) A vacuum cleaner.
(c) A shoe.
(d) A dog.

14. What does Mr. Capaldi tell Chrissie about his replica Josie?
(a) It will be nothing like the real Josie.
(b) It will be just like Josie.
(c) It will be like Josie, but will dampened emotions.
(d) It will be better than the real Josie.

15. What does Klara do without asking at Mr. Capaldi's office?
(a) Take a nap.
(b) Answer the phone.
(c) Work on a painting.
(d) Look at Josie's portrait in progress.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Chrissie tell Klara she decided to have Josie lifted?

2. Who does Chrissie tell Klara will be traveling with them to the city?

3. What happens to Klara after she destroys the Cootings Machine?

4. Why does Klara go with Rick and Helen to meet Vance?

5. Who does Rick live with?

(see the answer keys)

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