The Kitchen God's Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Kitchen God's Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Old Aunt send to Peanut when Winnie visits her rooming house in Shanghai?
(a) Jewelry.
(b) Face powder.
(c) Tea.
(d) A small silver mirror.

2. Who is Kuang An?
(a) Winnie's lawyer.
(b) Jimmy's friend.
(c) The guard.
(d) Hulan's second husband.

3. Who does Winnie see again at a book shop in Shanghai after the war is over?
(a) Jiaguo.
(b) Old Aunt.
(c) Jimmy Louie.
(d) Peanut.

4. Who gives Pearl herbal pads to place on her arms and legs?
(a) Winnie.
(b) Henry.
(c) Helen.
(d) Mrs. Hong.

5. What gift do Pearl and Phil give Bao-bao and Mimi?
(a) Blender.
(b) Glass martini set.
(c) Dishes.
(d) Wine glasses.

6. What is the secret code Jimmy says Winnie should use when she calls to indicate she's ready to run away from Wen Fu?
(a) "Open the door, you can already see the mountain."
(b) "The lake is frozen."
(c) "Blue skies smile on us."
(d) "Shut the window, don't let the air in."

7. What does Hulan give Winnie as a parting gift before they leave Kunming once the war has ended?
(a) Knitting needles.
(b) Letter.
(c) Rice cakes.
(d) Purse.

8. What does Wen Fu do when Yiku gets sick on the Double Seventh day?
(a) Won't let the doctor go to her.
(b) Immediately brings her to the hospital.
(c) Escorts the doctor to his home.
(d) Takes care of her himself.

9. At the rooming house, who gives Winnie advice on how she can run away from Wen Fu?
(a) Old Aunt.
(b) Her father.
(c) Little Yu's mother.
(d) New Aunt.

10. Who is Yiku?
(a) Hulan and Jiaguo's child.
(b) A shopkeeper's daughter.
(c) The servant's name.
(d) Winnie and Wen Fu's second child.

11. How many servants does Winnie hire before she has to take care of Wen Fu herself as he recovers from his jeep accident?
(a) Three.
(b) Ten.
(c) One.
(d) Two.

12. What food does Wen Fu have the cook prepare for two weeks straight that Winnie says is bitter?
(a) Beef and radishes.
(b) Dumplings.
(c) Chicken and leeks.
(d) Pork and cabbage.

13. Why doesMrs. Liang give Jimmy Louie a photograph of her four daughters?
(a) Because his aunt requests it.
(b) So he could choose one for his wife.
(c) To update him on her family.
(d) To give to a mutual friend.

14. When Winnie tells her father that she must leave her marriage, what does he give her?
(a) Her mother's jewelry.
(b) The antique scroll.
(c) Paper money.
(d) Three gold ingots.

15. What does Winnie say the Double Seventh day is supposed to be?
(a) A sunny day.
(b) A lucky day.
(c) The coolest day.
(d) A day of rain.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Jimmy Louie ask to dance?

2. In Chapter 15, who destroys the hospital kitchen in anger because they won't serve him?

3. Where do Helen and Winnie go shopping at the end of the novel?

4. Who gives Winnie Peanut's address?

5. What was Min's job in Shanghai?

(see the answer keys)

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