The Kitchen God's Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Kitchen God's Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why doesn't Winnie want to take her sweater off after church services in Chapter 3?
(a) Her dress has a hole in it.
(b) She loves its softness.
(c) She's too cold.
(d) She's proud of her new sweater.

2. How does Wen Fu behave towards the other pilots when they're playing cards after dinner?
(a) Tells coarse jokes to make them laugh.
(b) Scares them with his temper and then laughs at them.
(c) Is silent with them.
(d) Talks politely with them.

3. Who is Lin?
(a) A stranger at the church.
(b) A friend of Helen's.
(c) A good man Winnie could have married in China.
(d) Winnie's podiatrist.

4. Who dies in childbirth while a pilot and Hulan try to help her?
(a) Hulan's friend.
(b) Hulan's sister.
(c) Winnie's sister.
(d) Winnie's cousin.

5. What does Winnie read in the Pavillion while snacking on a variety of foods?
(a) American Magazine.
(b) A newspaper.
(c) Book of poetry.
(d) Letter from Betty.

6. Where does Winnie's son Samuel work?
(a) New York.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) New York City.
(d) Connecticut.

7. At the market in Nanking, what do Winnie and Hulan buy just before the Japanese planes fly over, dropping leaflets and causing panic?
(a) Vegtables.
(b) Roasted chestnuts.
(c) Fruit.
(d) Snow cones.

8. Who is Wen Fu?
(a) A business competitor.
(b) The local doctor.
(c) Winnie's first husband.
(d) Winnie's friend.

9. What did they call Betty Wan during wartime?
(a) Bratty Betty.
(b) Beautiful Betty.
(c) Baby Betty.
(d) Big Betty.

10. Who steals a pedicab after the Japanese drop leaflets in the market of Nanking?
(a) Winnie.
(b) Hulan.
(c) Jiaguo.
(d) Wen Fu.

11. What kind of shop does Pearl's mother run?
(a) Kitchen shop.
(b) Flower shop.
(c) Cookie Factory.
(d) The Shop of the Gods.

12. What does Roger's nickname, Bao-bao, mean?
(a) Big baby.
(b) Precious baby.
(c) Silly one.
(d) Youngest child.

13. Who does Aunt Helen say Pearl needs to tell about her disease?
(a) Mary.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Phil.
(d) Her doctor.

14. What does Wen Fu bring Peanut home in?
(a) Bicycle.
(b) Horse and carriage.
(c) A car.
(d) A wheelbarrow.

15. Who were the matron of honor and best man at Pearl's wedding?
(a) Mary and Doug.
(b) Katherine and Dave.
(c) Julia and Keegan.
(d) Jennifer and Michael.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Winnie and the others are escaping Nanking, how many suitcases are they allowed to bring?

2. Who takes Tessa and Cleo out of the funeral parlor?

3. At Auntie Du's funeral, what are Phil and Pearl given when they first enter?

4. Who is videotaping Auntie Du's funeral?

5. In Chapter 3, what does Helen tell Winnie she plans to reveal?

(see the answer keys)

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