Kitchen Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kitchen Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many days after the funeral is Mikage still trying to come to terms with what happens?
(a) One.
(b) Six.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

2. What is the name of Yuichi's mother?
(a) Erika.
(b) Yoshimoto.
(c) Eriko.
(d) Satsuki.

3. What does Eriko bring home for Mikage?
(a) A juicer.
(b) Books.
(c) A typewriter.
(d) A word processor.

4. Who seems most distraught about the death?
(a) Mikage.
(b) Yuichi.
(c) Satsuki.
(d) Eriko.

5. What is the name of Mikage's ex-boyfriend?
(a) Satsuki.
(b) Yoshimoto.
(c) Sotaro.
(d) Yuji.

6. Which character is sexually ambiguous?
(a) Sotaro.
(b) Eriko.
(c) Yuichi.
(d) Mikage.

7. What is there plenty more of in Mikage's life?
(a) Grandmothers.
(b) Ingredients.
(c) Kitchens.
(d) Boys.

8. What is the one constant in Mikage's life?
(a) Yuichi.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Eriko.
(d) The kitchen.

9. What do Yuichi and Mikage share at the end of Chapter One?
(a) Loss of another family member.
(b) The same dream.
(c) New family connections.
(d) Exact opposite dreams.

10. What is Mikage stunned by at the Tanabe apartment?
(a) Eriko's beauty.
(b) The apartment's view.
(c) Eriko's job.
(d) The cleanliness of the kitchen.

11. How does Mikage tell that her ex-boyfriend no longer loves her?
(a) The words he uses.
(b) The look in his eyes.
(c) His body language.
(d) The tone he uses.

12. What does Mikage see that makes her cry?
(a) Her ex-boyfriend and another girl.
(b) Eriko walking alone.
(c) Yuichi and his girlfriend.
(d) A child with their grandmother.

13. Where is Mikage when she starts crying?
(a) In a taxi.
(b) At the park.
(c) On the bus.
(d) At the coffee shop.

14. Who are Mikage's remaining relatives?
(a) Her cousin and her aunt.
(b) She has none.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her aunt and uncle.

15. In Mikage's dream, what is Yuichi doing?
(a) Cleaning the refrigerator.
(b) Cleaning the floor.
(c) Wiping the counters.
(d) Washing dishes.

Short Answer Questions

1. In whose kitchen does Mikage's dream take place?

2. What is Eriko contemplating the first morning after Mikage moves in in the kitchen?

3. What does Banana Yoshimoto use as a catalyst for love?

4. What time does Yuichi tell Mikage to arrive at the Tanabe home?

5. What does Yuichi want when he wakes up after Mikage has her dream?

(see the answer keys)

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