Kissing Doorknobs Test | Final Test - Medium

Terry Spencer Hesser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kissing Doorknobs Test | Final Test - Medium

Terry Spencer Hesser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Tara tells her new psychiatrist that she looks like what, in Chapter 19?
(a) "A basket case."
(b) "A cheerleader for crazy people."
(c) "A scared little girl."
(d) "A crazed vampire."

2. How old was Tara when she first heard "Step on a crack, break your mother's back"?
(a) 6.
(b) 11.
(c) 4.
(d) 7.

3. According to the Afterword, Sam's explanation of the chemical causes of OCD in the novel is accurate: it is an imbalance in what?
(a) The cerebrum.
(b) The hippocampus.
(c) The basal ganglia.
(d) The parietal lobe.

4. What does Tara ask Donna which at first offends Donna in Chapter 14?
(a) If she is a virgin.
(b) If she believes in God.
(c) If she is a Republican.
(d) If she plans to graduate.

5. Where do Tara and Donna go shopping in Chapter 20?
(a) A department store.
(b) A farmers market.
(c) A drugstore.
(d) A grocery store.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 22, Sam asks her to take a bite of one of the chocolate kisses, and then do what?

2. Where is Kristin in Chapter 21?

3. When Sam visits Tara's family in Chapter 18, he explains that he was afraid of what?

4. Tara has a small part in a play for what in Chapter 13?

5. Where does Tara take her friends on the way home from school in Chapter 21?

Short Essay Questions

1. How has Tara evolved as a character from the beginning of the novel to Chapter 22?

2. How does Tara describe her analysis of her dream from the beginning of the novel in Chapter 23?

3. What does Sam bring Tara in Chapter 22? Why?

4. How is the obstacle of diagnosis growing to a climax in Chapter 16?

5. What fortunes are read by Tara's family at the Chinese restaurant in Chapter 16?

6. What treatment does Dr. Leopardi suggest in Chapter 19? How difficult does she tell Tara it will be?

7. What does Tara go with Donna to purchase in Chapter 20? Why?

8. What new behavior has Tara adopted in the beginning of Chapter 15?

9. How does Tara describe her relationship with Sam in Chapter 23? How has Tara grown by the novel's end?

10. What question does Tara ask her teacher in Chapter 21? Who in the class understands Tara's question?

(see the answer keys)

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