Kissing Doorknobs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Terry Spencer Hesser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kissing Doorknobs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Terry Spencer Hesser
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What school does Donna attend in Chapter 11?
(a) Academy of St. Paul.
(b) St. Francis School.
(c) St. Christopher Center for Learning.
(d) St. Mark's Academy.

2. Chapter 3 starts in what grade, which Tara says that is the best year of her life?
(a) Second.
(b) Seventh.
(c) Fourth.
(d) Fifth.

3. Tara says that she has to warn Donna against what in Chapter 12?
(a) Boys.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Marijuana.
(d) Heroin.

4. What did Donna call Tara because she looked spongy and blond in Chapter 11?
(a) A ding dong.
(b) A Twinkie.
(c) A pound cake.
(d) A sea cucumber.

5. Tara asks Donna how she can do what after going to Communion in Chapter 11?
(a) Have sex.
(b) Watch television.
(c) Smoke.
(d) Use drugs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gets angry at Tara and even threatens to kill her in Chapter 6?

2. In Chapter 7, Tara says that the summer between fifth and sixth grades was almost normal, although she would not do what?

3. Who does Tara's mother run to after a scene at the carnival in Chapter 10?

4. What is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea?

5. Tara's mother asks her what happened to whom in Chapter 4, causing Tara to lie in response?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Donna described in Chapter 11?

2. What leads Tara to study religion in Chapter 6? How is this perceived by her family?

3. What causes unexpected trauma in Tara's life in Chapter 10?

4. What draws Tara to Donna as a person in Chapter 11?

5. How does Tara describe her relationship with her mother in Chapter 2? How does she describe her friends?

6. How does Tara defend her friendship with Donna to Keesha in Chapter 12?

7. What does Tara reveal to Donna about herself in Chapter 12? What is Donna's reaction?

8. How have Tara's relationships with her friends changed by seventh grade?

9. What does Tara do after feeling humiliated in front of her schoolmates in Chapter 1? How does she feel?

10. What leads up to Tara's stealing in Chapter 12? What does she do after stealing?

(see the answer keys)

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