Kira-Kira Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kira-Kira Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is wrong with the kitchen in the new apartment in Georgia?
(a) There are no windows and it is dark.
(b) The wallpaper is peeling.
(c) It has moldy walls.
(d) The carpet is worn and faded.

2. What word does Father use to describe Lynn when she is sick in bed?
(a) Dependant.
(b) Delicate.
(c) Precious.
(d) Weak.

3. What does Lynn say when Katie asks if she is a genius?
(a) Hopefully.
(b) No.
(c) Maybe.
(d) Yes.

4. What does the little girl in the parking lot of the plant do in the plant?
(a) Laundry.
(b) Washes windows.
(c) Counts chickens.
(d) Cleans bathrooms.

5. How does Katie feel about school?
(a) It is boring.
(b) It is exciting.
(c) It is torture.
(d) It is a privilege.

6. Who owns the place where Mother works?
(a) Mr. Lyndon.
(b) Mr. Lordon.
(c) Mr. Lydon.
(d) Mr. London.

7. What is Katsu's full name?
(a) Katsumashi.
(b) Katsuhisa.
(c) Katsushima.
(d) Katsimiasa.

8. What does Lynn once try to read?
(a) The dictionary.
(b) The encyclopedia.
(c) The bible.
(d) A history book.

9. What is the name of Katie's favorite toy?
(a) Boppy-woppy.
(b) Bully-bully.
(c) Bera-bera.
(d) Bingo-bongo.

10. What is the name of Katie's imaginary boyfriend?
(a) John-Jim Abalonsaloma.
(b) Joe-John Abondondalarama.
(c) Jim-Jake Absalomarada.
(d) Josh-Josh Ablamoraforada.

11. What volume of the Encyclopedia Brittanica does Lynn own?
(a) R.
(b) T.
(c) V.
(d) P.

12. What does Mother do in the car during her break?
(a) Take a nap.
(b) Stretch her muscles.
(c) Take a sponge bath.
(d) Sleep.

13. What does the woman who watches Katie during the day call her?
(a) Lynn's puppy dog.
(b) A hungry mind.
(c) A lost soul.
(d) Lynn's toy.

14. What happens to the male chicks at the poultry hatchery?
(a) They are tagged.
(b) They are neutered.
(c) They are killed.
(d) They are separated from the females.

15. What does Sammy do at the Muramoto's house?
(a) Sleep.
(b) Play with blocks.
(c) Watch TV.
(d) Learn to read.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many Japanese families dine with Katie's family on the first night they reach Georgia?

2. What does Katie think is the one thing that will never change about Lynn?

3. What is Katie unable to do without her favorite toy?

4. What is Brenda wearing when Katie sees her?

5. What does Katsu buy in a pawn shop in Nashville?

(see the answer keys)

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