King Lear Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King Lear Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who gives Edmund the office of Earl of Gloucester?
(a) The Duke of Burgundy.
(b) The Duke of Cornwall.
(c) Goneril and Regan.
(d) The Duke of Albany.

2. Where does Act 4, Scene 3 take place?
(a) In a forest.
(b) In a town.
(c) At the French encampment.
(d) Outside the French encampment.

3. Kent wonders how such different daughters can come from the same what?
(a) Father.
(b) Family.
(c) Mother.
(d) House.

4. Since she is widowed, Regan expects Edmund to do what?
(a) Court her.
(b) Seduce her.
(c) Marry her.
(d) Leave her.

5. The stage directions have the battle between the English and the French taking place where?
(a) Off stage.
(b) On the whole stage.
(c) To the right of where Gloucester sits.
(d) In the back of the stage.

6. After hearing the news of Cornwall's death, Albany vows to take revenge for what act of Cornwall's?
(a) The blinding of Gloucester.
(b) The escape of the King.
(c) Not keeping the women out of the plans.
(d) Not keeping Goneril at Cornwall.

7. Albany arrests who for treason?
(a) Regan and Edmund.
(b) Goneril.
(c) Goneril and Edmund.
(d) Goneril and Regan.

8. After Cornwall's death, who leads his army?
(a) Albany.
(b) The Marshal of Cornwall.
(c) Regan.
(d) Edmund.

9. The British armies are encamped near what city?
(a) Avon.
(b) Dover.
(c) London.
(d) Stratford.

10. Who says "Yet better thus, and known to be contemned, / Than still contemned and flattered"?
(a) Regan.
(b) Gloucester.
(c) Edgar.
(d) Lear.

11. Cordelia says she is guiding the French army against the English only because of what?
(a) Her annoyance at her sisters.
(b) Her love for her father.
(c) Her desire for land.
(d) Her desire to oust her sisters.

12. Who states that Goneril is a better soldier than Albany?
(a) Oswald.
(b) Cornwall.
(c) Edmund.
(d) A soldier.

13. Who brings Cordelia the news that the British armies are marching towards them?
(a) A messenger.
(b) An officer.
(c) A gentleman.
(d) A soldier.

14. Oswald reports that Albany smiled when he heard what news?
(a) That the French Army had landed.
(b) That the King had gone to Dover.
(c) That Goneril and Edmund were on their way.
(d) That Gloucester was punished.

15. When Oswald leaves Goneril and Albany and returns to Regan at Cornwall, what does he carry from Goneril to Edmund?
(a) A flower.
(b) A message.
(c) A letter.
(d) A sword.

Short Answer Questions

1. Gloucester tries to commit suicide by doing what?

2. Where does the battle take place?

3. Edmund tells a captain to kill Cordelia and make it look like what?

4. While Lear is in the town near the French encampment, he doesn't want to see Cordelia because he feels what?

5. Regan complains about not feeling well while fighting with whom about Edmund?

(see the answer keys)

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