Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Hard

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Hard

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who appears to strike Superman down at the end of "Up in the Sky" as he races to the Gulag?

2. The Spectre tells Norman, "In either case, we face ______ and my task is to punish those responsible for evil." Fill in the blank.

3. What is the main reason that there were some survivors from the battle?

4. What side of Wonder Woman does Superman comment upon being uncomfortable with towards the end of Chapter 3?

5. "If you're that devoted to the Amazon honor ... then let's keep fighting," Batman suggests to Wonder Woman. Why does he say this to her?

Short Essay Questions

1. For what reasons does Superman tell Billy Batson that only he is qualified to make the choice to stop the bombs?

2. Describe the scene where the Spectre points and pronounces "judgment."

3. When Wonder Woman and Batman see the planes approaching their battle, what choice does Batman lay out for her?

4. In Chapter 3, why is the Justice League questioning Superman and the Gulag?

5. Why is Captain Marvel attacking Superman?

6. Describe the Gulag.

7. What is Batman's reaction to Superman's plea for help at the end of Chapter 3?

8. Why is the Flash able to see Norman McKay?

9. Who is Deadman and what purpose does he have in "Kingdom Come?"

10. What is significant about Wonder Woman giving Superman his glasses and calling him "Clark?"

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss the significance and symbolism of the battle at the Statue of Liberty in the following format:

Part 1) The hope the Statue represents.

Part 2) The defacement of the Statue.

Part 3) Americommando's attack on the immigrants.

Part 4) The role of the torch in the battle.

Part 5) The re-emergence of the Justice League.

Cite specific examples from the text to support your answers.

Essay Topic 2

Discuss Superman's relationship with his own humanity in the following format:

Part 1) His ties to Earth through his relationships.

Part 2) Lois Lane's murder by the Joker and Magog's acquittal of the Joker's murder.

Part 3) His insistence that he never be called "Clark" and references to Clark in the third person.

Part 4) His attack on the U.N.

Part 5) His acceptance of Clark's glasses and being called that name in the Epilogue.

Essay Topic 3

Discuss Norman McKay's statement that "hope is brightest when it dawns from fear" in the following format:

Part 1) The fear humans have of the younger meta-humans.

Part 2) The U.N.'s validation of fear.

Part 3) Magog's assessment that Superman feared the future the former represented.

Part 4) Norman's confrontation with Superman at the U.N.

Part 5) The healing process after the battle at the Gulag.

Part 6) Clark and Diana's child.

Cite specific examples from the text to support your answers.

(see the answer keys)

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