Kingdom Come Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kingdom Come Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. During his sermon in the first chapter, what is one reason Norman is unable to give his parishioners hope?

2. Who is NOT one of the seven heroes to appear in the sky during Americommando's rampage?

3. During the press conference, who answers the question posed about Magog?

4. What is different about Superman's costume, as noted by Batman?

5. Where is the scene of the first incident Norman and the Spectre witness in Chapter 2?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Superman vow to do in his press conference in "Truth and Justice?"

2. Why does Batman refuse to join up with Superman?

3. What active superheroes from the older generation are shown to Norman McKay in the first chapter and how do they keep people safe?

4. Why does the Spectre come to Norman McKay?

5. At the very end of "Strange Visitor," how and why are Norman McKay's expectations of hope defeated?

6. What leads up to Wesley Dodd asking random people on the street if "they missed the concept of human achievement?" and what did he mean?

7. Why has Wonder Woman been stripped of her title and heritage?

8. According to the Spectre, why are the members of the U.N. uneasy with the reappearance of the older superheroes?

9. Of what does Orion warn Superman?

10. What preempts the appearance of the seven superheroes at the Status of Liberty?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Although the bulk of the focus remains on Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman, there are several characters who cameo throughout the story that make a big impact on these characters. Discuss these people in the following format:

Part 1) J'onn, the Manhunter from Mars.

Part 2) Orion.

Part 3) Deadman.

Part 4) Wesley Dodd.

Part 5) Aquaman.

Essay Topic 2

In what ways did the art in "Kingdom Come" contribute to the story? How did the artist effectively use perspective and focus to keep the reader's eye trained on the main storyline while not neglecting the other characters? What are some of the visual gags added throughout the book? How does this lighten the frequently dark and heavy mood of "Kingdom Come?" How does Ross's realistic style help the reader to better relate to the characters in this book? What is significant about his father posing for the character of Norman McKay?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss Superman's relationship with his own humanity in the following format:

Part 1) His ties to Earth through his relationships.

Part 2) Lois Lane's murder by the Joker and Magog's acquittal of the Joker's murder.

Part 3) His insistence that he never be called "Clark" and references to Clark in the third person.

Part 4) His attack on the U.N.

Part 5) His acceptance of Clark's glasses and being called that name in the Epilogue.

(see the answer keys)

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