Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the Gulag's architect?
(a) Scott Free.
(b) Aquaman.
(c) Hawkman.
(d) Orion.

2. Besides using film, how does Lex Luthor torture and brainwash Billy?
(a) Worms.
(b) Knives.
(c) Water.
(d) Fire.

3. What action do Batman and Wonder Woman take in the sky when they are done arguing?
(a) They try to stop the nukes from dropping.
(b) They try to get everyone out of the way of the the bombs.
(c) They try to help Superman.
(d) They guide the planes to the right area.

4. Who pleads with his brethren to help Billy Batson?
(a) Ma Kettle.
(b) Shazam.
(c) Jor-el.
(d) Diana's mother.

5. What halts Norman McKay's visions of the battle when Superman gains control of Captain Marvel?
(a) He is pulled away by the Flash.
(b) Superman begs for him to help.
(c) Captain Marvel sees Norman standing behind Superman's shoulder.
(d) The Spectre announces it is time for judgment.

6. What does Norman McKay realize about the battle at the Gulag?
(a) Superman will have to die to end it.
(b) It might end the world.
(c) No one will die.
(d) God will have to end it himself.

7. According to Batman, Luthor's torture has turned Captain Marvel into what?
(a) A schizophrenic.
(b) A vengeful, evil villain.
(c) A careful hero.
(d) Someone with multiple personality disorder.

8. While sitting with Superman outside of the Green Lantern's sanctuary in Chapter 3, what is Wonder Woman pulling with her lasso?
(a) Prisoners.
(b) The ship.
(c) The Silver Surfer's board.
(d) Space debris.

9. What reason does Batman give for his alliance and double-crossing of Lex Luthor?
(a) He needed to know what role Captain Marvel played in Luthor's plans.
(b) He wanted to throw off Superman.
(c) He wanted to steal Luthor's thunder.
(d) He needed Luthor's facilities to build his robots.

10. With what news does Robin interrupt the interrogation of Norman McKay?
(a) A riot has broken out at the Gulag.
(b) Marvel is dead.
(c) Luthor has attacked the Gulag.
(d) The U.N. is getting ready to bomb the Gulag.

11. Which of the following heroes is NOT sent to the Gulag when Superman and Wonder Woman go to the U.N.?
(a) Flash.
(b) Hawkman.
(c) Green Lantern.
(d) Power Woman.

12. Which superhero is in the Gulag for killing surrendered opponents?
(a) Magog.
(b) Harlequin.
(c) 666.
(d) Von Bach.

13. How does Superman snap Captain Marvel out of his frenzy during the battle?
(a) He grabs Billy's face like Luthor would during the torture sessions.
(b) He punches Billy in the stomach.
(c) He stabs Billy in the leg with Wonder Woman's sword.
(d) He slaps Billy in the face.

14. Which one of following is NOT housing some of Brainiac's circuitry, according to Superman?
(a) Saturn.
(b) Clark Kent's Pulitzer.
(c) Argo.
(d) Jimmy Olson's computer.

15. Who is seen sitting in Norman McKay's congregation at the very end of "Never Ending Battle?"
(a) Clark Kent.
(b) Billy Batson.
(c) Bruce Wayne.
(d) The Spectre.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Wonder Woman's reward at the end of Chapter 4?

2. For what purpose are the superheroes housed in the Gulag?

3. Whose death turns the tide of the battle?

4. What was the occupation of the Deadman while he was alive?

5. How does Wonder Woman say goodbye to Superman before she leads an army to the Gulag?

(see the answer keys)

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