Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kingdom Come Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Waid
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Spectre tells Norman, "In either case, we face ______ and my task is to punish those responsible for evil." Fill in the blank.
(a) Genocide.
(b) Death.
(c) Life.
(d) Murder.

2. For what purpose are the superheroes housed in the Gulag?
(a) Deportation to Mars.
(b) Execution.
(c) To learn about justice and respect for life.
(d) To keep them safe from Luthor.

3. What was the occupation of the Deadman while he was alive?
(a) Police officer.
(b) Trapeze artist.
(c) Lion tamer.
(d) Escape artist.

4. What does Superman tie to a flagpole outside of the U.N.?
(a) Batman's cape.
(b) His cape.
(c) Captain Marvel's cape.
(d) The American flag.

5. According to the art, who is among the repentant housed in the Gulag?
(a) Magog.
(b) Von Bach.
(c) Harlequin.
(d) 666.

6. What does Captain Marvel cry out three times when he reaches the nuclear bomb?
(a) Superman.
(b) Marvel.
(c) Shazam.
(d) Help.

7. How does Superman snap Captain Marvel out of his frenzy during the battle?
(a) He grabs Billy's face like Luthor would during the torture sessions.
(b) He punches Billy in the stomach.
(c) He slaps Billy in the face.
(d) He stabs Billy in the leg with Wonder Woman's sword.

8. Who appears to strike Superman down at the end of "Up in the Sky" as he races to the Gulag?
(a) Batman.
(b) Wonder Woman.
(c) Lex Luthor.
(d) Captain Marvel.

9. What information does Batman relay to Superman at the end of the chapter, "Up in the Sky?"
(a) The U.N. is sending planes to nuke the battle.
(b) Diana is pregnant.
(c) Lex Luthor is at large.
(d) Captain Marvel is on his way to blow up the Gulag.

10. Whose death turns the tide of the battle?
(a) Harlequin.
(b) Von Bach.
(c) Green Lantern.
(d) Wonder Woman.

11. What is Wonder Woman's reward at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) She is allowed to have a child.
(b) She is allowed to retire to Paradise Island.
(c) She marries Superman.
(d) Her titles and heritage are restored to her.

12. Where does the Spectre state that Superman is going after the bomb detonates?
(a) To Krypton.
(b) To attack those who attacked him.
(c) To the Fortress of Solitude.
(d) To his farm.

13. For what is the architect of Gulag renowned?
(a) Security guard.
(b) Trapeze artist.
(c) Escape artist.
(d) Cat burglary.

14. What reasons does Norman give the Spectre for not being able to choose between superhumans and humans?
(a) He is not a god.
(b) The U.N. was correct in their decision to order the strike.
(c) Superman has done nothing wrong.
(d) He does not see any evil taking place.

15. What gift does Superman accept from Wonder Woman at the end of Chapter 4, accepting his human side again?
(a) Clark Kent's Pulitzer.
(b) Billy's tuxedo.
(c) Clark Kent's glasses.
(d) Lois's wedding ring.

Short Answer Questions

1. What side of Wonder Woman does Superman comment upon being uncomfortable with towards the end of Chapter 3?

2. What action do Batman and Wonder Woman take in the sky when they are done arguing?

3. According to the Deadman, who was the Spectre in his former life?

4. "Of all of us, he had the hardest time adapting to the grim new world around him. One sad day, he spoke his magic word for the last time ... and vanished inside a scared little boy." To whom does this statement (made by Batman) refer?

5. Which superhero is in the Gulag for killing surrendered opponents?

(see the answer keys)

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