King Rat Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King Rat Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much does Marlowe get for the sergeant's fountain pen?
(a) Only 120 dollars.
(b) 120 dollars and cigarettes.
(c) Only 75 dollars.
(d) 75 dollars and cigarettes.

2. What does Yoshima revoke when he cannot find the radio?
(a) The privilege of having camp plays.
(b) The privilege of walking freely through camp.
(c) The privilege of playing music with homemade instruments.
(d) The return to standard rations.

3. What does Marlowe do in the jungle before his capture?
(a) Lives off the land.
(b) Lies down and has delusions because of malaria.
(c) Builds a good shelter.
(d) Assimilates Javanese culture.

4. What has Grey learned from his spy about the diamond?
(a) It is a fake.
(b) It is about to change hands soon.
(c) It has been stolen by a Korean guard.
(d) It is more valuable than first thought.

5. How do Marlowe, Larkin and McCoy decide to spread news about the war?
(a) For each to tell two friends, who tell two friends.
(b) To call a meeting of the highest-ranking officers and let them decide.
(c) To trick the Korean guards into telling the news.
(d) They decide not to say anything since things are not going that well.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Marlowe and Ewart fumigate the bed?

2. Who gets a letter from his wife?

3. What does Sean refuse to do at first?

4. What does the King promise if Marlowe will go bury the money in the jungle?

5. What does McCoy say to Larkin about Prouty?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does the King invite to start up a rat breeding operation and what is the plan?

2. Why does Sean refuse to go on stage and what changes his mind?

3. Describe the pursuit and escape of Marlowe with the money.

4. What does Dr. Kennedy say about Marlowe's arm?

5. What happens when Lt. Grey stumbles from illness and what is the result?

6. What happens when the King offers Marlowe $108 dollars as Marlowe's take in the transaction with Prouty's watch?

7. Describe the negotiations between Timsen and the King for medical help for Marlowe.

8. How do Marlowe and the King reestablish their friendship after the King blows up at Marlowe about the radio?

9. Describe Marlowe's visit with McCoy in the infirmary.

10. How do Marlowe and the King go outside to wire, and where do they go?

(see the answer keys)

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