King of the Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King of the Wind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Sultan test a new saber?
(a) By cutting off the head of a stable boy.
(b) By cutting off the heads of a thousand animals.
(c) By cutting off the heads of a thousand people.
(d) By cutting off a thousand branches.

2. Why does the camel driver help Agba?
(a) Because he likes Agba.
(b) To gain favor from the Sultan.
(c) He loves horses.
(d) Agba promises to pay.

3. What is desirable about Sham's neck?
(a) It is short and stocky, indicating strength.
(b) It is long and stretches nicely when he is running.
(c) It arches well.
(d) His good luck mark can be seen when he is running.

4. Why does Agba measure Sham in Chapter 8?
(a) For a new blanket.
(b) To compare him to other horses in the Sultan's stable.
(c) For a new saddle.
(d) To make sure his new stall is large enough.

5. When does the foal begin to nurse from the mare?
(a) The next morning.
(b) After a few failed attempts to stand.
(c) He never nurses from his mother.
(d) Almost immediately.

6. What does the wild boar behind the stables do in Chapter 3?
(a) Squeals.
(b) Escapes his pen.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Grunts and coughs.

7. How many horses does the Sultan own?
(a) Two hundred.
(b) Twenty Thousand.
(c) Twelve thousand.
(d) Twelve hundred.

8. What aspect of the foal does Agba point out to Signor Achmet?
(a) The white spot on his heel.
(b) His healthy coat and active behavior.
(c) His long neck.
(d) His long legs.

9. What does the new moon represent to Agba?
(a) A bad omen for the mare's unborn foal.
(b) A chance to escape the Sultan.
(c) The beginning of a new life.
(d) A favorable sign for the mare's unborn foal.

10. What does the Duke advise the King to do with the Moroccan horses?
(a) Send them to the circus.
(b) Sell them to the King of Spain.
(c) Assign them to transport goods for the army.
(d) Send all but one back to Morocco.

11. What mark does Agba notice on the new foal?
(a) A wheat ear.
(b) A stripe.
(c) A white spot.
(d) A dark spot.

12. Why do the palace guards allow Agba to pass the gate?
(a) They do not see him.
(b) He bribes them.
(c) Because he has a letter from Signor Achmet.
(d) Because he is the first slave boy of Signor Achmet.

13. Why doesn't Signor Achmet think the mare's milk will be of use to the foal?
(a) The foal is too weak to nurse.
(b) The foal will be sent to another stable the next day.
(c) He believes that sweetened camel's milk is better.
(d) The mare is weak and will die soon.

14. What is the significance of the mark Agba discovers on the new foal?
(a) The foal will be unlucky.
(b) The foal will be a good jumper.
(c) The foal will be swift.
(d) The foal will be strong.

15. In Chapter 2, when does Agba eat his meal?
(a) After he has fed all of his horses.
(b) He does not get to eat.
(c) Before he feeds his horses.
(d) After he has fed his mare.

Short Answer Questions

1. What information does the scribe include in the Sultan's letter?

2. What is Sham fitted for in Chapter 8?

3. Who tells Agba he must appear before the Sultan?

4. What does the wheat ear signify?

5. Why does Agba give the mare special treatment?

(see the answer keys)

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