King of Shadows Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King of Shadows Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nat think is similar to the Globe Theater of 1999?
(a) Nothing that he knows.
(b) The old playhouse in Maine where he did summer stock.
(c) Carneige Hall.
(d) The Globe of 1599.

2. What class does John Heminges teach?
(a) Elocution.
(b) Fencing.
(c) Singing.
(d) Tumbling.

3. What is performed that afternoon at the Globe?
(a) Much Ado About Nothing.
(b) Macbeth.
(c) Julius Caesar.
(d) Henry V.

4. Of what does the Company of Boys comprise?
(a) The rehearsal staff and the board of trustees.
(b) The actors, theater crew, rehearsal staff and costume maker.
(c) The actors.
(d) The actors and rehearsal staff.

5. To what do the other apprentices attribute Nat's differences?
(a) Nat's being a student from St. Paul.
(b) Nat's being from Franch.
(c) They cannot account for Nat's differences.
(d) Nat's being from Ireland.

6. How can the boys afford to go to the bear pit?
(a) Their parents give him an allowance.
(b) They can sneak in since Roper knows a way.
(c) Roper stole money from Burbage.
(d) Roper stole money from Harry.

7. What is one of the plays being rehearsed?
(a) Romeo and Juliet.
(b) As You Like It.
(c) Hamlet.
(d) Julius Caesar.

8. How far is Shakespeare's home from the Globe?
(a) Across the street.
(b) Across London.
(c) A few minutes' travel.
(d) Next door.

9. What does Nat notice about Harry's speech?
(a) Harry has a lisp.
(b) The words are difficult to understand.
(c) He does not know much of the vocabularly Harry uses.
(d) It sounds like a Southern accent from the United States.

10. When is the Company of Boys allowed to rehearse at the theater?
(a) Only on early Saturday and Sunday mornings.
(b) Not for several days after their arrival in London.
(c) Only from 4-6 a.m. weekdays.
(d) Only from 10-11:30 p.m. weekdays.

11. Of what does Mistress Fawcett warn Nat?
(a) Not to drink any water that is not boiled.
(b) To always remove his shoes at the door so as not to disturb Shakespeare.
(c) Not to go out on the streets alone.
(d) Not to drink the ale in the pub next door.

12. With whom does Nat live?
(a) The Fisher family.
(b) The Jones family.
(c) His aunt in her penthouse in Trafalgar Square.
(d) His grandmother.

13. What does Nat fight as the days go by?
(a) Illnesses.
(b) Bad pranks from Harry.
(c) Boredom.
(d) Panic.

14. In what theater will the Company perform?
(a) Globe.
(b) Metro.
(c) Carneige.
(d) A series of theaters around the United States.

15. Who is Sam Gilbourne?
(a) The Queen's chamberlain.
(b) The senior apprentice.
(c) The theater owner.
(d) The cook at the Globe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nat hear as he is going to practice on his first day?

2. What play is Shakespeare thinking of writing?

3. What does Arby point out to Nat?

4. Who is Rachel?

5. Why does Nat become uncomfortable with the group's conversation?

(see the answer keys)

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