King and the Dragonflies Test | Final Test - Easy

Kacen Callender
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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King and the Dragonflies Test | Final Test - Easy

Kacen Callender
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does King hurry home after school?
(a) To feed Sandy.
(b) To call his aunt.
(c) To eat.
(d) To talk to his dad.

2. Why does Sheriff Sanders think Sandy is gay?
(a) Because he himself is gay.
(b) Because King is gay.
(c) He does not think Sandy is gay.
(d) Because of the things he watches on TV.

3. What does King want to help Sandy do?
(a) Make some friends.
(b) Stay away from his dad.
(c) Find a new school.
(d) Get a job.

4. Where will Sandy go after he leaves the state?
(a) Austin.
(b) New York.
(c) L.A.
(d) Boston.

5. What does Auntie Idris say King needs?
(a) Someone to listen.
(b) A mentor.
(c) A friend.
(d) A brother.

6. Who defends King decision to help Sandy?
(a) Darrell.
(b) Jasmine.
(c) Breanna.
(d) Camille.

7. What does Sheriff Sanders know about King?
(a) He helped Sandy hide.
(b) That King is rich.
(c) That King is gay.
(d) He knows nothing about King.

8. Why did Sandy need to run away?
(a) To get some fresh air.
(b) To make some money.
(c) To get away from his father.
(d) To have some fun.

9. What does King try to explain to his parents about Sandy?
(a) That Sandy is gay.
(b) That Sandy's dad is abusive.
(c) That Sandy is his only friend.
(d) He does not try to explain anything.

10. How does King know he is gay?
(a) Because he feels the same thing Sandy does.
(b) His brother told him he was.
(c) His doctor told him.
(d) He does not know.

11. Who taught Sandy how to fish?
(a) Mikey.
(b) His grandpa.
(c) His dad.
(d) Khalid.

12. What does Mikey Sanders ask King on the street?
(a) If he is friends with Sandy.
(b) If he is friends with Jasmine.
(c) If he is friends with Darrell.
(d) If he is friends with Camille.

13. Why does King not want to go to Mardi Gras?
(a) He wants to go to Mardi Gras.
(b) He does not like the ride.
(c) He does not want to go without Khalid.
(d) He does not like Mardi Gras.

14. Why is Sandy good at fishing?
(a) Khalid taught him.
(b) His brother taught him.
(c) He is not good at fishing.
(d) His dad taught him.

15. Who calls King's parents?
(a) Auntie Idris.
(b) Sheriff Sanders.
(c) Sandy.
(d) Jasmine's mom.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does King take Sandy to hide?

2. Who does King not want to see?

3. Who is Jasmine's story about?

4. Why is King upset when Sandy is found?

5. What does King say when Jasmine asks if he likes her?

(see the answer keys)

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