Kim Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What charm does Huneefa put on Kim?
(a) Against being unveiled
(b) Against confusion
(c) Against psychic intrusion
(d) Against devils

2. What distresses Kim about the lama?
(a) The lama is dying
(b) The lama does not seem to care what happens to Kim
(c) The lama is doing fine without Kim
(d) That the lama will be traveling without Kim

3. Who shows Kim a letter from the lama?
(a) Chaplain Bennett
(b) Father Victor
(c) The clerk for whom Kim is running errands
(d) The cook who feeds Kim extra rations

4. What is the purpose of the games they play?
(a) To make sure Kim can fight his way out of a tight spot.
(b) To teach Kim more ways to assimilate into his birth's culture
(c) To enhance Kim's powers of observation
(d) To pass the summer

5. What does Colonel Creighton envision for Kim's future?
(a) Becoming a good soldier
(b) Living back among the natives
(c) Becoming a spy
(d) Moving back to England

Short Answer Questions

1. As what will Kim take up a position?

2. Who sends Kim to Lurgan Sahib's home?

3. What does the lama carry with him constantly?

4. Where does Kim go to see the lama?

5. Of what do Ali and Sahib convince Creighton when Kim is sixteen?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Kim encounter on the train?

2. How does Kim get a letter off to Mahbub Ali?

3. How do Kim and the lama react differently to being in the Northern lands?

4. What does Mahbub Ali say to Kim when he comes to visit?

5. What does Colonel Creighton do while taking Kim to St. Xavier's and what is the Colonel's plan for Kim?

6. What crisis does Kim go through as he assumes the role of a spy?

7. How does Mookerjee trick the Russian and French spies?

8. What does the lama say is ostensibly his reason for paying for Kim's schooling?

9. Where is Kim sent at the beginning of Chapter 9 per Colonel Creighton's orders?

10. Who is Lurgan Sahib?

(see the answer keys)

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