Kim Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Kim not run when he gets loose from Chaplain Bennett's grip?
(a) The Chaplain seems genuinely kind
(b) The Chaplain has Kim's crucifix
(c) The Chaplain has Kim's amulet
(d) The Chaplain has called guards, who appear

2. What does the Commander-in-Chief say an upcoming military action is?
(a) Justice
(b) Punishment
(c) Defensive posturing
(d) War

3. What did Chaplain Bennett do to prove his mettle?
(a) Rode a wild stallion
(b) Threw a large boulder
(c) Raised a mess tent alone
(d) Marched all day with the troops

4. What does the old man want to see before he dies?
(a) Vishnu
(b) The Dalai Lama
(c) The Four Holy Places
(d) The Secret of Death

5. What is the occupation of an Amritzar woman sitting near the window on the train?
(a) Seamstress
(b) Matchmaker
(c) Lama
(d) Courtesan

6. What does the lama do as he and Kim walk?
(a) Sings and chants
(b) Says his Rosary
(c) Hums to himself
(d) Tells parables

7. What does a man who was illegally collecting bridge taxes affix to the bridge to convince travelers of the veracity of the tax?
(a) A turban
(b) A label from a soda water bottle
(c) A prayer wheel with donation cans
(d) A picture of the Sirkar blessing the collector

8. Where does Chaplain Bennett think Kim should go immediately?
(a) England
(b) Ireland
(c) Lompoc
(d) The Masonic Orphanage

9. Of what does Kim regale the children?
(a) Of mystical appearances
(b) Of the British and their exploits
(c) Of the lama who commands the beasts of the field
(d) Tales of Lahore and rail travel

10. Why does the farmer offer Kim and the lama milk and a meal?
(a) The farmer's wife makes the offer, not the farmer
(b) Kim offers to help him with his flock
(c) The farmer does not want his fields cursed
(d) Because he is of a generous nature

11. To what does the old lady compare the cool and the pines of the Kangra and Kulu hills?
(a) Mississippi
(b) The dust and mangoes of the South
(c) The interior of a man's heart
(d) Paradise

12. What is the lama seeking?
(a) A river
(b) An audience with a hermit holy man
(c) Hope
(d) Forgiveness

13. To what does the lama say the farmer, the lama and Kim are all bound?
(a) The Wheel of Things
(b) Honor
(c) The call of death
(d) A life of toil

14. From what country were Kim's parents?
(a) England
(b) Switzerland
(c) The United States
(d) Ireland

15. What does Kim "prophesy" to the Chaplains?
(a) The beginning of a lasting peace
(b) Kim's ascendance to being a great spy
(c) War
(d) The end of British rule in India

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the natives call the Lahore Museum?

2. How long does it take the regiment to pitch camp and Kim and the lama watch?

3. What was the confirmation in Kim's mind of the prophesy after seeing one sign?

4. Who is quoted in the four-line epigraph to Chapter 2?

5. Who pulls the lama aboard the train?

(see the answer keys)

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