Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Final Test - Medium

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Final Test - Medium

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jiyoung’s mother convince her father to open in the building across from their old fried chicken shop?
(a) An ice cream shop.
(b) A seafood restaurant.
(c) A movie theater.
(d) A porridge shop.

2. What did Daehyun’s mother say to Jiyoung’s mother about her at the start of “Marriage”?
(a) That she was arrogant and rude.
(b) That she was industrious and kind.
(c) That she was sensible and thoughtful.
(d) That she was intelligent and attractive.

3. During what part of her pregnancy did Jiyoung suffer morning sickness?
(a) Second trimester.
(b) Third trimester.
(c) First trimester.
(d) The entire pregnancy.

4. Who is meeting for the first time at the beginning of “Marriage”?
(a) Eunyoung and Daehyun.
(b) Jiyoung and Daehyun.
(c) Jiyoung and Daehyun’s parents.
(d) Daehyun and Hyejin.

5. What was the final question Jiyoung and the other two candidates were asked at a job interview?
(a) How well can you cook?
(b) What would you do if a client became to handsy?
(c) How would you dress for this job?
(d) What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Short Answer Questions

1. What question on the form to legally register their marriage gave Jiyoung pause in “Marriage”?

2. How many companies did Jiyoung apply to before she was offered an interview?

3. What years are covered in the chapter “Early Adulthood”?

4. What did the cab driver who took Jiyoung to her first job interview tell her?

5. After Jiyoung and her boyfriend broke up, what did she find him doing outside the porridge shop was morning?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where did Jiyoung receive her first job offer?

2. What did Jiyoung’s father say to her after she said she was not going to attend graduation and how did her mother reply?

3. What business decisions did Jiyoung’s family make that resulted in them doing well financially?

4. What was the final question an interviewer asked the three interviewees during Jiyoung’s first job interview?

5. Though Jiyoung had told her husband’s family they were not planning on having children right away what did the family members assume the real reason must be?

6. What conversation regarding housekeeping did Jiyoung’s mother and future mother-in-law have during their first meeting?

7. What did Kim Eunsil say she noticed all new female employees tended to do and told Jiyoung that she did not have to do?

8. What did Jiyoung learn while out for drinks with colleagues that weekend her “drive and faith” (112) when it came to her work?

9. What did people say after Jiyoung’s ex-boyfriend was found passed out drunk outside the porridge shop?

10. What was one of the reasons Daehyun had more savings than Jiyoung when they first married?

(see the answer keys)

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