Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Final Test - Easy

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Final Test - Easy

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jiyoung’s mother convince her father to open in the building across from their old fried chicken shop?
(a) A movie theater.
(b) A seafood restaurant.
(c) A porridge shop.
(d) An ice cream shop.

2. Why did many students have to work part-time jobs when Jiyoung began college?
(a) People believed part-time work made students more responsible.
(b) Part-time work counted as class credit.
(c) College tuition had increased.
(d) Parents were out of work.

3. What question on the form to legally register their marriage gave Jiyoung pause in “Marriage”?
(a) What Jiyoung did for employment.
(b) Whose surname the couple would take.
(c) Whose surname their child would take.
(d) How they would split money if they divorced.

4. How did Daehyun’s family react when Jiyoung told them they wanted to wait to have children?
(a) They thought she must be unable to conceive.
(b) They suggested Daehyun find a new wife.
(c) They praised her for making a good decision.
(d) They told her she was selfish.

5. What did Jiyoung do the first day she did not have to go to the office after quitting in “Marriage”?
(a) She went shopping and to the movies.
(b) She cried.
(c) She set up the baby’s room.
(d) She binged on Netflix.

6. What did Jiyoung overhear a hiking club member say dating Jiyoung would be like?
(a) Going out with a clown.
(b) Chewing gum that someone spat out.
(c) Talking to a bag of rocks.
(d) Eating food someone else cooked.

7. What did Jiyoung hear a former alum was told my a department head regarding why she was not on a list of eligible candidates?
(a) Good grades are enough when it comes to being a women.
(b) She was not attractive enough.
(c) She was not good at making coffee.
(d) Companies find smart women taxing.

8. What female did Jiyoung befriend in her study group junior year?
(a) Hyesu.
(b) Seungyeon.
(c) Hyejin.
(d) Daehyun.

9. What did Cha Seungyeon say the girls wanted to be able to do in hiking club, rather than choose the lunch menu?
(a) Carry heavy loads.
(b) Have the best rooms.
(c) Run for president.
(d) Train new members.

10. What word is used to describe the way Jiyoung is looked at by interviewers during her many job interviews in “Adulthood”?
(a) Longingly.
(b) Licentiousness.
(c) Leeringly.
(d) Lecherously.

11. Who is meeting for the first time at the beginning of “Marriage”?
(a) Eunyoung and Daehyun.
(b) Daehyun and Hyejin.
(c) Jiyoung and Daehyun.
(d) Jiyoung and Daehyun’s parents.

12. Which of Jiyoung’s friends was studying for the civil service exams in “Adulthood”?
(a) Cha Jung.
(b) Daehyun.
(c) Eunyoung.
(d) Hyejin.

13. What was Jiyoung’s college boyfriend’s major?
(a) Business.
(b) Finance.
(c) Physical education.
(d) IT.

14. What advice did Jiyoung’s father give her in “Adulthood” which upset her mother and caused to to call him “backwards”?
(a) Stay out of trouble and get married.
(b) Make sure you wear lipstick on your job interview.
(c) Do not dress inappropriately on a date.
(d) A good housewife makes a good marriage.

15. When out for drinks with colleagues, what did Jiyoung learn about why she and Hyesu were always given the more difficult clients?
(a) Their boss thought all women flirted with clients and would therefore make them happy.
(b) Their boss saw the two as more capable.
(c) The difficult clients preferred attractive women.
(d) Their boss did not want to burn out the men, who they saw as more long term employees than women.

Short Answer Questions

1. How were the girl’s treated at hiking club?

2. How did Jiyoung do when she first attended college?

3. What did people say about Jiyoung after she and her boyfriend broke up?

4. What was Daehyun’s surname?

5. How did the doctor react when Jiyoung told him she could not take his advice and rest because she had a baby and a house to take care of?

(see the answer keys)

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