Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How were girls made to dress even in the winter at Jiyoung’s middle school?
(a) In shorts and t-shirts.
(b) In sneakers and shorts.
(c) In boots and dresses.
(d) In tights and dress shoes.

2. What year was Kim Jiyoung born?
(a) 1980.
(b) 1986.
(c) 1982.
(d) 1985.

3. What did Jiyoung’s mother suggest Eunyoung do for school after the financial crisis created job uncertainty for her father?
(a) Quit school and get a job.
(b) Become a teacher.
(c) Get a business degree.
(d) Become a doctor.

4. What was Jiyoung’s occupation before having her daughter?
(a) Hospitality.
(b) Marketing.
(c) Writing.
(d) IT.

5. What did some of the girls in Jiyoung’s eighth grade class do to the flasher one morning before school?
(a) They yelled at him.
(b) They threw rotten food at him.
(c) They tied him up and took him to the police station.
(d) They beat him with clubs.

6. What did Jiyoung hear a girl’s father did when his daughter started her period, though this was not common?
(a) He kicked her out.
(b) He bought her flowers.
(c) He bought her a new dress.
(d) He took her to the pharmacy to buy tampons.

7. How old is Jiyoung at the start of the chapter entitled “Autumn”?
(a) 33.
(b) 43.
(c) 23.
(d) 13.

8. What did Jiyoung beg her teacher to do because of her issues with her desk-mate?
(a) Assign her a new desk-mate.
(b) Expel her desk-mate.
(c) Send her to a new school.
(d) Assign her a new teacher.

9. What did Eunyoung give to Jiyoung after she started her period?
(a) A cloth pouch with sanitary napkins.
(b) Money for sanitary napkins.
(c) New pants.
(d) A new dress.

10. What changed about Jiyoung’s middle school her during her first year?
(a) It became an all boys’ school.
(b) It went co-ed.
(c) It closed.
(d) It became an all girls’ school.

11. What issue did Kim Jiyoung encounter in elementary school?
(a) She made no friends.
(b) A male desk-mate harassed her.
(c) She could not sit still.
(d) Her teacher did not like her.

12. What was the name of the student who asked the teacher to change the order they ate lunch?
(a) Jiyoung.
(b) Eunyoung.
(c) Yuna.
(d) Cha-young

13. Who did Jiyoung text to meet her at the bus stop with a phone she borrowed?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her sister.
(d) Her mother.

14. Prior to September 8, 2015, Daehyun noticed his wife doing what for no reason, but chalked it up to a new mother’s exhaustion?
(a) Napping.
(b) Crying.
(c) Drooling.
(d) Sleep walking.

15. Where was Jiyoung born?
(a) Busan.
(b) Seoul.
(c) Thailand.
(d) Beijing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which member of the family was considered the most valuable, according to Jiyoung in the chapter entitled “Childhood”?

2. How many years younger than Jiyoung his her brother?

3. What students were always chosen as class monitors at Jiyoung’s school?

4. How did Jiyoung react when her teacher humiliated her in front of the class in Chapter 2?

5. What did Koh Bonsoon tell Jiyoung’s mother she had to have at least two of in her life?

(see the answer keys)

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