Killing Floor Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
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Killing Floor Test | Final Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long after Roscoe's rescue does Reacher leave?
(a) Twenty-four hours.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) A month.
(d) A year.

2. What story does Reacher hear while he is at the barber's place?
(a) What happened to Finlay when Reacher was with Picard.
(b) What the town of Margrave was like before Kliner came.
(c) How Hubble ran the operation for Kliner.
(d) The story of Blind Bart.

3. Where was Joe born?
(a) Bermuda.
(b) Germany.
(c) Japan.
(d) The Philippine Islands.

4. Who leaks Joe's list to Kliner's people?
(a) Teale.
(b) Roscoe.
(c) Baker.
(d) Stevenson.

5. What denomination are the fake bills that they get samples of?
(a) $20s.
(b) $100s.
(c) $10s.
(d) $50s.

6. How much does a hundred thousand dollars weigh?
(a) A ton.
(b) Approximately two hundred pounds.
(c) One hundred pounds.
(d) Fifty pounds.

7. Where do they find Gray's files?
(a) In Gray's house.
(b) At the barbershop.
(c) Under "K" in the file room at the police station.
(d) In Roscoe's house.

8. Including the driver, how many men are in the Kliner Foundation truck that comes to the Hubble's to kill Reacher?
(a) Four.
(b) Six.
(c) Five.
(d) Two.

9. Where do they get samples of the fake money?
(a) Reacher had some from Charlie and the guys who trailed him.
(b) The barbers had some.
(c) There was some in Morrison's pockets.
(d) They found some at Stoller's place.

10. What does Hubble do with his Bentley after returning to Margrave from Augusta?
(a) Rams it into the firehouse.
(b) Rams it into Mayor Teale's office.
(c) Rams it into Kliner's warehouse.
(d) Rams it into Eno's Diner.

11. How many of the original ten that Hubble mentioned have to be identified after Reacher figures out the bleaching theory?
(a) One.
(b) Six.
(c) Four.
(d) Two.

12. Who is Hubble's favorite Beatle?
(a) Ringo Starr.
(b) Paul McCartney.
(c) John Lennon.
(d) George Harrison.

13. What professor is killed outside his home on Thursday night?
(a) Walter Bartholomew.
(b) David Goldstein.
(c) Andrew Bartman.
(d) Kelvin Kelstein.

14. What does Reacher tell Finlay they need to go back to Margrave to get?
(a) Gray's file.
(b) Teale's file.
(c) Morrison's file.
(d) Baker's file.

15. Who speaks at Gray's funeral?
(a) Morrison and Teale.
(b) Morrison and Baker.
(c) Kliner and Morrison.
(d) Baker and Stevenson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Teale sit when Reacher, Roscoe, and Finlay return to the Margrave Police Station?

2. What will Reacher do while Roscoe is in Atlanta and Finlay mans the station?

3. Why do Roscoe and Reacher go to Yellow Springs on Thursday?

4. What book does Reacher find on Hubble's bookshelf in the den?

5. When Reacher returns from Mississippi, with whom does he have a verbal sparring match?

(see the answer keys)

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