Killing Floor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lee Child
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Killing Floor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Lee Child
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose phone number is found on a note in the murder victim's shoe?
(a) Kliner's.
(b) Paul Hubble's.
(c) Gordon's.
(d) Morrison's.

2. How long have the Kliners been in Margrave?
(a) Since the town was founded.
(b) Twenty years.
(c) Five years.
(d) Ten years.

3. What is the name of the state where the story takes place?
(a) South Carolina.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Louisiana.
(d) Mississippi.

4. Who is the chief detective?
(a) Baker.
(b) Stevenson.
(c) Finlay.
(d) Morrison.

5. How long has it been since there was a murder in Margrave, before the recent homicides?
(a) A couple months.
(b) About 30 years.
(c) Five years.
(d) Fifteen years.

6. Reacher is being followed by two Hispanic guys. Where does he drive to?
(a) A tumbledown shack.
(b) An abandoned barn.
(c) A deserted road.
(d) A sturdy stand of trees.

7. What do Reacher and Roscoe find in Joe's garment bag?
(a) A thumb drive.
(b) A gun.
(c) A cell phone.
(d) Computer paper.

8. Who will appoint a new Margrave chief of police?
(a) The city council.
(b) Kilner.
(c) The mayor.
(d) The city administrator.

9. What is parked at the station house after Finlay and Reacher have their talk?
(a) Big white Cadillac.
(b) Hubble's Bentley.
(c) Morrison's car.
(d) Three patrol cars.

10. What type of injuries does the murder victim have?
(a) Postmortem injuries.
(b) Missing fingers.
(c) Broken arms.
(d) Stab wounds.

11. Where do Roscoe and Reacher have breakfast on Tuesday morning?
(a) At her house.
(b) At Finlay's house.
(c) In the car.
(d) At Eno's.

12. Who is following Reacher at the end of Chapter 17?
(a) Two Hispanic guys.
(b) A Kliner foundation truck.
(c) Two white guys.
(d) Two black guys.

13. Who is the chief of police?
(a) Baker.
(b) Finlay.
(c) Morrison.
(d) Stevenson.

14. Where does Reacher shoot the two Hispanic guys?
(a) In the stomach.
(b) In the heart.
(c) In the back.
(d) In the head.

15. What is the name of the bar where Roscoe and Reacher go?
(a) The Dive.
(b) The Roadhouse.
(c) The Pond.
(d) The Shack.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of a gun does Roscoe give Reacher?

2. Who follows Reacher for a bit after he leaves the convenience store?

3. Who drives down Beckman Drive, appearing to look for the Hubble mailbox?

4. Why does Reacher say that Finlay will not be the new chief of police?

5. Who do Reacher and Roscoe find at Stoller's condominium?

(see the answer keys)

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