The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Hard

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the battle go for the Confederates?

2. Now that nearly half of his regiment is gone, what does Rice tell Chamberlain to do?

3. What action does Chamberlain take that haunts him afterward?

4. What does Col. Vincent tell Chamberlain he must do?

5. What is the outcome of Lee's discussion with Longstreet?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 4, Chamberlain," what is the result of Vincent telling Chamberlain that his men cannot withdraw under any circumstances?

2. Meade has been referred to many times throughout the novel, and is referred to again in "Friday, July 3,1863, Chapter 3, Chamberlain." What is your impression of him? Support your answer.

3. In "Friday, July 3, Chapter 4, Armistead," why does Garnett decide to go against orders and ride his horse into battle?

4. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 6, Lee," how does Stuart respond to Lee's reprimand? Do you think Lee is right to reprimand him rather than court martial him?

5. In "Friday, July 3,1863, Chapter 3, Chamberlain," the word "dreamyly" appears several times. Explain its significance.

6. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 1, Fremantle," describe Fremantle's thoughts toward the Southerners.

7. In "Friday, July 3,1863, Chapter 4, Armistead," what are Armistead's dying thoughts?

8. In "Thursday, July 2, 1863, The Second Day, Chapter 5, Longstreet," how do Longstreet and Lee differ on their views of the day's battle?

9. In "Friday, July 3, 1863, Chapter 1, Chamberlain," what does Tom say about the bayonets?

10. In "Friday, July 3,1863, Chapter 5, Longstreet," why does Longstreet think he can no longer lead? How does Lee respond?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

One theme in The Killer Angels is bravery, whether in battle or of personal convictions. Discuss episodes of bravery in the novel and how those actions of bravery affected, or did not affect, the outcome of the battle.

Essay Topic 2

In any battle, the landscape on which it is fought plays a major role. How does the landscape around Gettysburg affect the battle? What were the advantages and challenges to that landscape and how does each side make the most of the advantages or try to overcome the challenges?

Essay Topic 3

There are several minor characters that appear throughout The Killer Angels, with varying degrees of influence on the action or on other characters. Choose three of the following minor characters and describe how the author characterizes them, and what influence they have on either other characters or the action of the novel.

1) Tom Chamberlain

2) Kilrain

3) John Buford

4) Jubal Early

5) J.E.B. Stuart

(see the answer keys)

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