The Killer Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose troops wear black hats and are known as the Iron Brigade?

2. How do Lee and Longstreet differ on battle strategy?

3. What news does Trimble bring to Lee?

4. Buford looks for ___________.

5. What is Lee waiting for at the end of the chapter?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why have the 120 men from the Second Maine mutinied?

2. Describe George Pickett's appearance.

3. Once the enemy starts running, in "Wednesday, July 1, 1863, The First Day, Chapter 3, Lee," what does Longstreet suggest? How does Lee respond?

4. In "Monday, June 29, 1863, Chapter 3, Buford," how does the setting foreshadow the upcoming battle?

5. In "Monday, June 29, 1863, Chapter 3, Buford," why does Buford have little faith that reinforcements will arrive in time?

6. In "Wednesday, July 1, 1863, The First Day, Chapter 5, Longstreet," what does Fremantle say about Lee? How are Fremantle and Lee similar in their approach to warfare?

7. From what is the book's title derived?

8. Why is Lee so concerned about Longstreet's well-being?

9. In "Monday, June 29, 1863, Chapter 1, The Spy," what is the mood of the Confederate army? Of the Union army?

10. In "Wednesday, July 1, 1863, The First Day, Chapter 6, Lee," how is Ewell described? What kind of commander do you think he is?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Choose a character from The Killer Angels that you particularly identify with or admire. Using specific citations from the text to support your ideas.

1) Explain why you identify with or admire that character.

2) Describe how that character represents your personal beliefs.

Essay Topic 2

One theme in The Killer Angels is bravery, whether in battle or of personal convictions. Discuss episodes of bravery in the novel and how those actions of bravery affected, or did not affect, the outcome of the battle.

Essay Topic 3

In times of battle, we may learn things about ourselves that we did not know before. Some may find reserves of bravery that they had not experienced before while others may discover that convictions they have held fast to become shaky when tested. Using examples from The Killer Angels, discuss how Chamberlain and Lee learn more about themselves than they had known before the battle of Gettysburg. How did they come to this knowledge? How may the discovery of this knowledge have affected them beyond the war?

(see the answer keys)

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