The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of these is NOT something Chamberlain thinks about his men?
(a) They would be better off under the command of someone else.
(b) Another battle like the one the day before, and the regiment will be gone.
(c) Those who remain are the best of the best.
(d) They deserve recognition for what they accomplished the day before.

2. What does Chamberlain decide to do when his men run out of ammunition?
(a) Ride to Col. Vincent to request more ammunition.
(b) Move his men to the right to join other troops.
(c) Fix bayonets and charge.
(d) Show a white flag and surrender.

3. Now that nearly half of his regiment is gone, what does Rice tell Chamberlain to do?
(a) Join his men to Sickles' regiment.
(b) Occupy the big, wooded hill.
(c) Move his remaining men out of harm's way for the time being.
(d) Take care of the wounded.

4. What is Stuart's initial response when Lee tells him there are officers who want Stuart court-martialed?
(a) He wants to know who those officers are.
(b) He bows his head in shame.
(c) He protests his innocence.
(d) He offers to resign from his post.

5. What had Sickles done that causes difficulty for the Union?
(a) Moves his troops down off the hill.
(b) Swings his men around the Confederate troops to the south.
(c) Engages in battle without permission.
(d) Removes his troops from battle.

6. What surprises Chamberlain about his interaction with the escaped slave?
(a) The similarity between them
(b) The instant feeling of brotherhood
(c) His own feelings of revulsion
(d) The slave's articulateness

7. What concerns Armistead about this battle?
(a) He is too old to fight anymore.
(b) He may have to face his old friend, Hancock.
(c) He believes Lee was wrong to attack the middle.
(d) He may not survive to see his wife again.

8. What does Tom say about the battle the day before?
(a) He had no time to be afraid during the battle.
(b) The bayonets are very effective -- he saw lots of men killed by them.
(c) Many of the men cannot bring themselves to use the bayonets.
(d) Chamberlain should have given a different command.

9. What strange action does Chamberlain take under gunfire?
(a) He runs to the rear.
(b) He charges on horseback, alone.
(c) He falls asleep.
(d) He sends Tom to the front line.

10. In Chamberlain's mind, what takes away from the perfection of the fight?
(a) Kilrain's wound taking him off the field.
(b) Getting wounded in the foot.
(c) The heavy casualties his regiment suffered.
(d) Using Tom to plug the hole in the line.

11. How is Pettigrew of the Confederates like Chamberlain of the Union?
(a) They are both from Maine.
(b) They both have a brother serving under them.
(c) They are both intellectuals.
(d) They both are 34 years old.

12. What does the Baptist minister say to Chamberlain about slavery?
(a) It is wrong according to the Bible and every man should fight it.
(b) Chamberlain cannot understand it because he has never lived with the black man.
(c) It is the mark of a doomed society.
(d) There is nothing wrong with it provided the master treats the slave well.

13. What does Fremantle hope for after the war is over?
(a) An English victory over France.
(b) A position in the Confederate government.
(c) The destruction of the Northern government.
(d) The South will rejoin England.

14. What action does Chamberlain take that haunts him afterward?
(a) He leaves Kilrain wounded on the battlefield.
(b) He shoots an enemy officer at point-blank range.
(c) He sends his men to scavenge ammunition from the dead.
(d) He sends Tom into a gap to fill it.

15. What difficulty faces Longstreet?
(a) He cannot focus on the battle because he keeps thinking about his dead children.
(b) His horse lames himself, and Longstreet has to find another one.
(c) His men lose confidence in his leadership and refuse to fight.
(d) Not knowing the area well, he's forced to turn his troops around and lead a counter-march.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Tom get the coffee that he brings to Chamberlain?

2. Why is the slave shot?

3. What misconception, in Longstreet's opinion, does Fremantle have of Lee?

4. What keeps Armistead going?

5. Why does Fremantle say the English have not entered the war?

(see the answer keys)

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