The Killer Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Killer Angels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Shaara
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lee hear as he and Longstreet begin to ride?
(a) The Rebel yell
(b) Artillery
(c) Galloping horses
(d) Thunder

2. What scent directs Buford to headquarters?
(a) Cooking meat
(b) Burning wood
(c) Fresh-dug earth
(d) Cigar smoke

3. What decision does Longstreet make after hearing the spy's information?
(a) To move the troops to Gettysburg.
(b) To contact J.E.B. Stuart to get the cavalry to Longstreet's headquarters.
(c) To send another scout out to confirm.
(d) To go to Lee.

4. What is causing Lee frustration at the start of the battle?
(a) He has still heard nothing from Stuart.
(b) His health is preventing him from getting close to the action.
(c) He has more troops, yet the Union seems to be winning already.
(d) His officers are not following his orders.

5. What information does the spy have about Stuart?
(a) He and his cavalry were captured by Union soldiers.
(b) He has been court-martialed.
(c) He's riding in the north, not doing any real damage.
(d) He had defeated Reynold's troops a few days before.

6. What is the situation when Reynolds arrives?
(a) Buford's troops are soundly beating the Rebels.
(b) Buford's troops are holding, but barely.
(c) The Rebels have taken over Buford's headquarters.
(d) Buford has given up command to a junior officer.

7. What compliment does Reynolds pay Buford?
(a) He's the best calvary leader in the army.
(b) If he survives, he might make a soldier one day.
(c) He is not a great horseman, but he knows how to choose ground.
(d) He's the best-dressed soldier in the Union army.

8. To whom does Buford once more send a message?
(a) John Reynolds
(b) Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
(c) Gen. Meade
(d) Col. Vincent

9. What is the difficulty Lee's army has with being in Pennsylvania?
(a) They have no maps of the state.
(b) They are now invaders of enemy territory.
(c) They cannot get messages to Confederacy headquarters.
(d) They are too far from their supply line.

10. Where is Buford's observation point at the start of the battle?
(a) From horseback on top of Cemetery Hill
(b) From the base of the white angel
(c) From a high tree
(d) From the cupola

11. What does Corse find out about the young woman Buford has seen in town?
(a) Her husband is an undertaker.
(b) Her husband is a prisoner in a Southern camp.
(c) She is a Southern sympathizer.
(d) She is a widow.

12. What rumor circulates among the men to help boost morale?
(a) Lee has been killed in battle.
(b) Extra troops are coming and will be relieving the Maine men in the morning.
(c) General McClellan has assumed command of the army.
(d) The Rebels have been routed from Gettysburg.

13. Who is Buford initially facing?
(a) Ewell
(b) Longstreet
(c) Early
(d) Heth

14. To whom does Buford send a message regarding the Rebel troops?
(a) Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
(b) John Reynolds
(c) Gen. Meade
(d) James Longstreet

15. What is Lee waiting for at the end of the chapter?
(a) Ewell's attack on the hill
(b) Longstreet's spy to bring him new information
(c) Much needed medication for his heart condition
(d) A message of surrender from the Union command

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens just before dawn when the battle is about to begin?

2. From what is the book's title derived?

3. What does Joseph Bucklin bring to Chamberlain?

4. Who arrives at headquarters?

5. How does Lee calm his worries?

(see the answer keys)

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