The Kentucky Cycle Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kentucky Cycle Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year does Play Eight, Which Side Are You On, occur?
(a) 1934.
(b) 1924.
(c) 1954.
(d) 1984.

2. In Play Eight, what do the local union presidents want to discuss with Joshua about the contract with the mining company?
(a) The layoffs and safety.
(b) The pensions.
(c) The work hours.
(d) The wages.

3. In Play Seven, what document allows Joshua to work in the mines?
(a) His father's position as a miner.
(b) The fake birth certificate the preacher makes for him.
(c) His age.
(d) His great height and strength.

4. What is Abe's real reason for coming to Howsen County?
(a) He is a union organizer.
(b) He wants to buy land.
(c) He wants to preach.
(d) He wants to find a bride.

5. What do the other miners tease Tommy and Joshua about when Joshua arrives at the mine in Play Seven?
(a) Their clumsiness at mining.
(b) Joshua's blonde hair.
(c) Joshua's shortness.
(d) Their stuttering.

6. At the beginning of Play Eight, from what branch of the military is Scotty discharged?
(a) The Army.
(b) The Coast Guard.
(c) The Navy.
(d) The Marines.

7. What does Mary Anne do at the end of Play Seven, Fire in the Hole?
(a) Becomes a coal miner.
(b) Leaves Howsen County.
(c) Abandons Tommy and becomes a union organizer.
(d) Gives up on the union.

8. Why does Andrew say it's too late to give Tommy what he wants?
(a) The mining company intends to fire Tommy.
(b) Andrew calls in the Army.
(c) Andrew is leaving Howsen County.
(d) Someone else already has the promotion.

9. During dinner in Play Six, what does Mary Anne say makes her father a hero?
(a) He rides with Robert E. Lee.
(b) He fights for the Confederacy.
(c) He fights with Quantrill and saves Quantrill's life.
(d) He fights for the Union.

10. What does Tommy want from the preacher in Play Seven, Fire in the Hole?
(a) A baptismal service for Abe.
(b) A prayer for his eternal salvation.
(c) Prayers for Joshua's recovery from the fever.
(d) A birth certificate to allow Joshua to work in the mines.

11. What does Tommy do when he sees what Joshua is reading aloud in Play Seven?
(a) Rips the pamphlet out of Joshua's hand.
(b) Punches Abe in the face.
(c) Reads the pamphlet for himself.
(d) Asks the boy to read the pamphlet to him.

12. In Play Eight why does Joshua tell Scotty he can't tell the miners everything that is going on with the mining company?
(a) He doesn't know what's gong on.
(b) Only people who need to know can know.
(c) It might cost him his life.
(d) He is working under cover for the FBI.

13. How many stories does J.T. tell over dinner in Play Six?
(a) Four.
(b) None.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

14. What are Abe and Cassius supposed to do at the Treaty Oak at the end of Play Seven?
(a) Buy guns.
(b) Sell moonshine.
(c) Hold a pro-union rally.
(d) Steal a car.

15. When Tommy relates some of the family history to Joshua in Play Seven, what does he say is the only thing he ever wants?
(a) A job in the mines.
(b) A fine house.
(c) The Rowen family's gold pocket watch.
(d) Mary Anne.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Tommy have to pay the fee for which the preacher asks?

2. At the end of Play Seven, what happens to Cassius?

3. What does Abe offer as an advance on his rent?

4. What does Cassius Biggs do to make money in Play Seven?

5. In Scene two of Play Eight, what does Joshua give Scotty to welcome him to his new job as union field representative?

(see the answer keys)

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