The Kentucky Cycle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Kentucky Cycle Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert Schenkkan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 181 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Indian woman try to hit Michael Rowen with in Scene Two of The Courtship of Morning Star?
(a) A coffee pot.
(b) A broom.
(c) A rifle.
(d) A log.

2. What does J.T. claim the letters in his name stand for?
(a) John Tucker.
(b) Just Terrific.
(c) Joshua Thomas.
(d) Joyful Thaddeus.

3. What does Patrick Rowen offer the fat judge upon his arrival in Play Four, Ties That Bind?
(a) A meal.
(b) A seat on the family's best cane bottom chair.
(c) A drink of whiskey.
(d) A drink of water.

4. In Scene Four of The Courtship of Morning Star, how does Morning star respond when Michael Rowen pulls her into his lap and begins kissing her?
(a) She pulls a knife on Rowen.
(b) She tells Rowen she loves him.
(c) She breaks a chair over Rowen's head.
(d) She bursts into tears.

5. Which of the following statements does not describe an aspect of Jed Rowen's dream at the beginning of Play Five?
(a) Jed's grandfather, Patrick, dies.
(b) Jed eats at a church picnic in an orchard.
(c) Two women read a list of men's names including his.
(d) His father Ezekiel preaches from Revelations.

6. What happens to the Indian woman in Scene One of The Courtship of Morning Star?
(a) She drowns in the river.
(b) She falls in love with Michael Rowen.
(c) She develops a fever.
(d) Michael Rowen drags her into his cabin against her will.

7. Who is wresting as Play Four, Ties That Bind, opens?
(a) Jessie and Zach.
(b) Patrick and Jessie.
(c) Zeke and Zach.
(d) Jessie and Zeke.

8. Why is Rebecca Talbert unhappy with Patrick Rowen at the beginning of Play Three, The Homecoming?
(a) She catches him kissing another woman.
(b) He doesn't tell his father he wants to marry Rebecca.
(c) He refuses to marry her.
(d) He beats up her brother in a fight.

9. Once Jed agrees to join the Confederate Army with Richard and Richard leaves, what do Ezekiel and Jed reveal?
(a) Jed gets one of Richard's daughters pregnant.
(b) They can't repay their debts and are fleeing Kentucky.
(c) They plan for Jed to join the Army to kill Richard.
(d) They poisen Richard's wells.

10. In Play Five, which Talberts does Ezekiel tell Jed they kill?
(a) Richard and Randall.
(b) All of them.
(c) The men.
(d) The women.

11. What does Michael Rowen take from Earl Tod's belongings after Tod's death?
(a) A gold pocket watch.
(b) A love letter to Tod's wife.
(c) Five hundred dollars in gold and silver.
(d) A wanted poster.

12. What arrangement does Jeremiah make with Patrick in Play Four for payment of Patrick's debts?
(a) Patrick must sharecrop the land he once owns.
(b) Jeremiah takes half the Rowen land, not all of it.
(c) Jeremiah pays the debts in full for Patrick.
(d) Jeremiah accepts Patrick's slaves as payment in full.

13. In Play Four, what does Patrick Rowen ask Jessie to do with the circuit court's mules, if any shooting occurs during the court's visit?
(a) Make the mules hard to find.
(b) Drown the mules.
(c) Shoot the mules.
(d) Feed the mules.

14. What is Zeke's relationship to Zach in Play Four, Ties that Bind?
(a) They are brothers.
(b) They are neighbors.
(c) They are cousins.
(d) They are friends.

15. When Jed returns home at the end of Play Five, what do he and his father and friends do?
(a) Go into hiding from Sherman's Yankee army.
(b) Attack the Talbert home, burning and killing.
(c) Have a celebratory dinner.
(d) Switch sides and fight for the Yankees.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does J.T. claim he is saving Mary Anne's life or at least her soul?

2. What is the only thing Ezekiel Rowen takes from the Talbert home at the end of Play Five?

3. Who makes up what Jed calls Talbert's army in Play Five, God's Great Supper?

4. If Patrick Rowen scratches his head before sending Zeke and Zach to the house during the court's visit, what are Zeke and Zach to do?

5. Why does Patrick Rowen have three loans from a local bank in Play Four?

(see the answer keys)

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