Keeping the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Keeping the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are Mira and Kiki related?
(a) They are cousins.
(b) Mira is Kiki's aunt.
(c) They are half-sisters.
(d) They are sisters.

2. Why does Morgan come into the Last Chance excited one day?
(a) Someone wrote her a letter.
(b) Someone called her.
(c) Someone waved to her.
(d) Someone is coming to visit.

3. Where is Colie when the book begins?
(a) A store.
(b) A train station.
(c) A hotel.
(d) A library.

4. Where does Isabel live?
(a) The little white house.
(b) The hotel.
(c) A fishing shack.
(d) A college dorm.

5. What did Kiki inherit when Mira's parents passed away?
(a) Some money.
(b) Everything.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Their debt.

6. Who did Mira have as a surprise visitor in the class she taught?
(a) Her nephew.
(b) A homeless man.
(c) The mail man.
(d) Her husband.

7. How did Kiki describe Mira when she was younger?
(a) The angel child.
(b) The good sister.
(c) The bad sister.
(d) The strange one.

8. Why doesn't Colie like Caroline?
(a) She flirts with boys.
(b) She teases her.
(c) She is strange looking.
(d) She makes fun of her mother.

9. How many buses are parked together when Colie is out with Norman?
(a) 4.
(b) 2.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.

10. What color is Mira's bike?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Red.
(c) Green.
(d) Blue.

11. How much weight did Colie lose?
(a) 65 pounds.
(b) 55 pounds.
(c) 45 pounds.
(d) 35 pounds.

12. What do the people in the post office call the people Mira cares for?
(a) Nobodies.
(b) Refuse.
(c) Vagabonds.
(d) Strays.

13. Why does Isabel invite Colie to her house?
(a) To call a boy she likes.
(b) To give her a makeover.
(c) To work on an art project.
(d) To tell her about her life.

14. Why does Colie say she is accusing Isabel of something?
(a) She is rich.
(b) She is poor.
(c) She is different.
(d) She is beautiful.

15. Where does Colie like to run at Mira's house?
(a) The train tracks.
(b) The park.
(c) The beach.
(d) The gym.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who makes fun of Mira on her bike?

2. What does Isabel fix about Colie's hair?

3. What color is Morgan's house?

4. How are Mira and Colie related?

5. What does Colie experience for the first time while working her summer job?

(see the answer keys)

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