Katherine Test | Final Test - Hard

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Katherine Test | Final Test - Hard

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Although Wat the tiler dresses up for his meeting with the king and tries to befriend the king, the king's squire calls Wat, "the greatest knave and robber in all Kent" because he shows no respect for the king. What happens to Wat after the squire's statement?

2. Where does Richard die?

3. Why does John turn down the idea that he should stay in Scotland because the people here love him and will likely give him an army?

4. Who is making bloody threats against the king?

5. The king reads the message from John and decides:

Short Essay Questions

1. Although Alice Perrers is free again and with the king, this status is short-lived when what happens? And what does she do?

2. Katherine regains her memory of the events following Brother William's death and the flight of Blanchette. Where and to whom does she go to seek help in finding Blanchette?

3. Why does Katherine risk revealing her true identity in front of the other peasants in order to save Cob?

4. Who is Lady Julian and what does she help Katherine do?

5. Why is the preacher John Ball imprisoned?

6. John Ball is once again, now that he has been released from prison, preaching to the angry masses. What is he saying this time?

7. King Richard turned out to be quite deceptive. Do you think he got what he deserved in the end?

8. When the news arrives that Trastamare and the king of France are dead, Spain and France are essentially both leaderless. The throne of Castile is now within the duke's grasp. Although Katherine worries about being around Costanza, what does she realize most about the duke's ambitions?

9. Where is Katherine now?

10. Although Katherine and the duke are still not married, they openly show their relationship. What are some examples of how they do that?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

When Katherine first arrives at the castle with Blanche's funereal procession, the king is described as sad. not just because of the Duchess's death, but also because he recently became a widower himself. Yet, a short while later, the king's mistress, Alice Perrers, turns the royal dinner, held ostensibly to honor the life of Blanche, into a circus. First, describe the dinner setting. Although Alice doesn't have an official title or rank in the royal court, does this event demonstrate power she has over the king, and therefore also over the court?

Essay Topic 2

Why does Katherine go back to Kettlethorpe? Why is it important that this is where she and the duke reunite and eventually marry?

Essay Topic 3

Do you think Nirac had any concept that putting the poison in Hugh's medicine would have such far-reaching consequences? By the time he dies, do you think he had any regrets about his past actions? Or does he feel he has done everything with honor?

(see the answer keys)

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