Katherine Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Katherine Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While staying at the Pessoners' home for her safety, Katherine discovers that Hawise's husband is gathering arms to do what?
(a) To give to the Cantons
(b) To give to the French
(c) Practice shooting
(d) Use against the duke

2. When Blanchette, who loves Robin, refuses to marry Ralph of Hastings, what does she say to Katherine?
(a) She tells Katherine she's wonderful and glad to have half-siblings
(b) She calls Katherine the duke's creature who gives birth to his bastards
(c) She says nothing, thinking the silent treatment is the best response
(d) She calls Katherine a lovely creature

3. What shocking news does Katherine learn about the king's plans?
(a) He will soon strip all royalty and landed gentry of their titles
(b) He will suggest that all of Europe merge into one, creating a union
(c) He lied to the serfs to stop the riots but has no intention of setting them free permanently
(d) He lured the duke back to England to execute him

4. Who does Katherine meet who helps her change her life around?
(a) The King's squire
(b) Lady Julian
(c) Father Clement
(d) Cob o'Fenton

5. John Ball leads mobs across England, demanding the heads of:
(a) Brother William and Katherine Swynford
(b) Simon Sudbury, the Bishop, Robert Hales, the Treasurer, and John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster
(c) Katherine Swynford and Costanza, Queen of Castile
(d) The Earl of March and Brother William

6. Katherine manages to stop the duke on his rampage by telling him she no longer wears his ring because:
(a) It's too small
(b) It has lost its meaning
(c) She discovered he gave the same one to Costanza
(d) It's too large

7. At one point, Cob whispers to himself: "I didn't rightly believe 'twould ever happen." What did he not believe would happen?
(a) He didn't think the Pessonners would ever let him inside with Katherine
(b) He didn't think that Katherine would ever fall in love with him
(c) That the peasants would be declared free and that feudalism was abolished
(d) He didn't think he'd become an agnostic

8. Who does Philippa call an "ill-tempered virgin"?
(a) Princess Joan
(b) Eleanor de Bohun
(c) Katherine
(d) Costanza

9. How does Katherine feel about being back at Kettlethorpe?
(a) She now appreciates it
(b) It makes her sick but she has to push herself to endure being there
(c) She sees it as a chance to decorate it her way
(d) She is punishing herself with memories of Hugh

10. What confession does Pieter make when surrounded by Appleton and others?
(a) He says that the Bishop Courtenay paid him to make placards about the falseness of John's heritage
(b) That Alice Perrers is John's real mother
(c) That Bishop Courtenay is in fact John's father
(d) That Katherine and John are actually siblings

11. What announcement does Katherine make to John in the spring?
(a) She's giving him up and becoming a nun
(b) She's pregnant
(c) She's ill and dying
(d) She's no longer in love with him

12. How does Cob manage to gain entry for himself and Katherine into the Pessoners' home?
(a) He bangs the door down
(b) He offers Katherine's purse with the jewels inside
(c) He gives them a barrel of fine wine he took from the castle
(d) He sneaks in the through the back, which is unlocked

13. Katherine initially decides against seeing John again. But Harry convinces her to be a part of the reunion because:
(a) Leaving might prejudice the children against him
(b) He hasn't had time to arrange an escort for her to go elsewhere
(c) He has hired a portrait artist to paint all of them together
(d) He is afraid of being alone with John

14. Katherine and John visit Hugh's tomb. After which, what happens?
(a) John asks her to marry him
(b) John confesses that he was remarried again
(c) John says he is leaving England forever and wants her to come with him
(d) John announces he is leading a regiment into Prussia

15. At the Pessoners, Geoffrey calls the hatred of the duke senseless and unjust. What does Katherine say about that?
(a) Katherine disagrees with Geoffrey because she too, now hates the duke
(b) She completely agrees and wants to find a way to change people's minds.
(c) Katherine feels Geoffrey is being disloyal and unfair
(d) She now believes it was God's punishment for her affair with John

Short Answer Questions

1. Katherine stays in a pilgrim hotel in Waltham. She hears the king will be arriving and hopes:

2. Katherine tries to get John to reveal the root of his fear. When he feels he can completely trust her with what is troubling him, he says her:

3. When John Beaufort comes to see Katherine, he brings with him a letter from his father. On it is a seal which indicates:

4. What illness does Philippa have?

5. Where does Katherine feel she should now return?

(see the answer keys)

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