Katherine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Katherine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once Katherine is resigned to marrying Hugh, what does she give him?
(a) Nothing because he doesn't need any lucky tokens
(b) A piece of her sleeve to wear in the upcoming joust
(c) A bible
(d) A suit of armor

2. What does Geoffrey Chaucer feel about Katherine's relationship with John?
(a) He could care less
(b) That it's inappropriate
(c) He approves
(d) He thinks it will be great source material for his next work

3. How does John suddenly strengthen his political position?
(a) He vows to give England to Castile
(b) He reverses the measures the Parliament recently passed, he frees Alice Perrers and prisoners sentenced by the House of Commons
(c) He changes the law so all couples can live in sin
(d) He gives Costanza the freedom to divorce him if she wants

4. The Duke's pious daughter Philippa worries about her father's relationship with Katherine because:
(a) She fears being beheaded for her father's sins
(b) They live in sin
(c) It's embarrassing to her
(d) It's not convenient for her

5. Why does the duke insist on seeing Katherine before remarrying?
(a) He wants her permission to marry a queen
(b) He wants to see if he's over her
(c) He wants to know if, because Katherine was close to Blanche, she thinks Blanche would approve of the union
(d) He wants her opinion of his wedding attire

6. Why does Katherine not hesitate to go into the plague-contaminated Bolingbroke?
(a) She is a hot-headed stubborn woman who does whatever she wants
(b) She is immune to the plague
(c) Two sorcerers accompany her
(d) She wears a special mask that makes her immune

7. What does Katherine tell Hugh before he leaves for war?
(a) He must stop at the Lancaster estate for a blessing first
(b) That she's pregnant
(c) She has discovered that she cannot have children
(d) She's leaving him and not to look for her

8. What does Katherine realize about herself after hearing Geoffrey read the love poem?
(a) She makes all men who meet her fall in love with her
(b) She has never, and may never, experience true love
(c) She liked his comic poetry more than his romantic verse
(d) He's not a very talented writer

9. How did Katherine's mother die?
(a) In childbirth
(b) She took her own life
(c) From a mysterious disease
(d) She was trampled by a horse

10. How does the sword fight between Hugh and Roger end?
(a) It's a draw
(b) The Duke of Lancaster breaks it up
(c) Hugh wins
(d) Roger wins

11. How does Katherine respond to John's amorous declaration?
(a) She has made a vow to Saint Catherine and she intends to keep it
(b) She no longer feels the same way toward him
(c) She met someone else and is deeply in love with this new man
(d) Hugh is a changed man and she thinks she's in love with him now

12. After reversing the Parliament's measures, John still has two significant enemies:
(a) The King and the Prince of Wales
(b) Isolda and Pieter
(c) Katherine and Costanza
(d) The Earl of March and Bishop Courtenay of London

13. Initially, John tells Katherine he has called for her because:
(a) He thinks Katherine took something valuable of Blanche's and wants it back
(b) He wants her to tell him what Blanche wore when she died
(c) He wants her to repeat word for word what the priest said when administering the last rites
(d) He wants to thank her for caring for Blanche at Bolingbroke

14. What happens when Hugh looks up at the black cross in Waltham Abbey?
(a) He faints
(b) He suddenly has a religious epiphany and decides to become a cleric
(c) The clasp on his necklace chain comes udone and his pendant falls to the ground
(d) The buckle holding his scabard comes lose and his sword falls to the ground

15. All of the duke's men are happy except for Baron de la Pole. The Baron gets sent away for openly expressing his concerns to the duke. On his way to Havering, he meets Brother William Appleton who tells him something interesting about the duke. What does he tell Baron?
(a) That John will soon move to Castile and not return
(b) He has seen genuine documents that confirm the duke is the son of a Flemish butcher
(c) He is in possession of documents that could ruin John forever
(d) He overheard two monks and a Flemish man had created the documents that question the duke's heritage

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom is Hugh indebted?

2. Katherine visits the Pessoner home only to be suddenly called away by:

3. Nirac overhears John's declaration to Katherine. He decides to take matters into his own hands by:

4. How does Katherine know the plague has contaminated Bolingbroke when she arrives?

5. What announcement does the Duke of Lancaster make when he arrives?

(see the answer keys)

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