Katherine Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Katherine Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Five/Twenty-Six.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who sets the playful tone by dancing a dog on the table at Blanche's funeral dinner hosted by the king?
(a) Philippa and Geoffrey, who have no tact
(b) Alice Perrers, his mistress
(c) Katherine, who thinks Blanche would have preferred a jovial funeral dinner
(d) The Duke of Lancaster, who shows up unexpectedly

2. As Katherine regains her memory of the moments before Brother Williams' death, she tells Dame Emma that it wasn't the friar's blood that drove Blanchette away, but probably:
(a) The revelation that he believed Katherine had murdered Hugh
(b) That he believes Katherine is a witch
(c) Madness, for she had been showing signs of it beforehand
(d) The size of the mob approaching them

3. How does John suddenly strengthen his political position?
(a) He reverses the measures the Parliament recently passed, he frees Alice Perrers and prisoners sentenced by the House of Commons
(b) He gives Costanza the freedom to divorce him if she wants
(c) He changes the law so all couples can live in sin
(d) He vows to give England to Castile

4. Katherine visits her beloved Blanche's tomb. In the tomb, she hears Blanche's voice and decides:
(a) To leave everything and everyone and disappear without a trace
(b) To make a pilgrimmage to Canterbury
(c) To make a pilgrimmage to Our Lady Walsingham
(d) To go to Scotland and talk to the duke

5. At the Pessoners, Geoffrey calls the hatred of the duke senseless and unjust. What does Katherine say about that?
(a) She completely agrees and wants to find a way to change people's minds.
(b) Katherine feels Geoffrey is being disloyal and unfair
(c) Katherine disagrees with Geoffrey because she too, now hates the duke
(d) She now believes it was God's punishment for her affair with John

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Father Oswald refuse to grant Katherine after she confesses?

2. The Duke goes into seclusion after Blanche's burial, permitting only this person to see him:

3. Katherine visits the Pessoner home only to be suddenly called away by:

4. Katherine goes to the Chapel to visit Blanches' body and finds the duke there. What does he tell her?

5. John exits the obligatory mass for Blanche and encounters an angry mob who claim that:

(see the answer key)

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