Kant: A Very Short Introduction Test | Final Test - Easy

Roger Scruton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kant: A Very Short Introduction Test | Final Test - Easy

Roger Scruton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Hegel want to determine builds?
(a) Personality.
(b) Reason.
(c) Logic.
(d) Aesthetics.

2. To Kant, what was being free?
(a) Being able to understand paradox.
(b) Being able to have ideas.
(c) Being able to assess the self.
(d) Being able to obey one's reason.

3. What did Fichte distinguish between?
(a) Phenomena and noumena.
(b) Monarchy and anarchy.
(c) Synthetic and analytic.
(d) Substance and property.

4. What did Kant believe the fundamental political right is?
(a) Morals.
(b) Emotion.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Logic.

5. What was Kant's basic political belief?
(a) One can never do anything to harm the government or country's image.
(b) One can do anything they would like as long as they do not interfere with another's freedom.
(c) One can be creatively free but otherwise conservative.
(d) One can do anything they would like as long as they are faithful to the church's orders.

6. What does "Critique of Judgment" influence?
(a) The study of cosmology.
(b) The study of psychology.
(c) The study of aesthetics.
(d) The study of theology.

7. Which of the following is true about the idealism Fichte wanted to justify?
(a) It was based on Plato's work.
(b) It was radical.
(c) It was based on Descartes' work.
(d) It was classical.

8. According to Kant, how many people perceive the same aesthetic object the same way?
(a) One person and God.
(b) Nobody.
(c) One pair.
(d) Hundreds.

9. Which of the following would Kant agree with?
(a) Monarchy is a fundamental right of the political system.
(b) Freedom is a significant part of being a human being.
(c) Women and men are equal.
(d) Each person has the right to determine their political leader.

10. Which critique does the reading mention that Hegel read?
(a) Pure reason.
(b) Practical reason.
(c) Politics.
(d) Judgment.

11. Which of the following represented a difficulty for Kant because he wanted to classify it as practical reason?
(a) Beauty.
(b) Death.
(c) Emotion.
(d) Logic.

12. Which of the following is true about aesthetic perception?
(a) Each individual perceives beauty in the form of subjectivity.
(b) Each individual perceives an aesthetic object differently.
(c) Every beautiful object is a substance and not a property.
(d) Every beautiful object has inherent objects.

13. What did Kant call it when one beholds an aesthetic object?
(a) Objective play.
(b) Subjective play.
(c) Free play.
(d) Foul play.

14. What did Kant refer to in order to solve the problem buried below ethical theory?
(a) Hypothetical imperative.
(b) Universal law of causality.
(c) Categorical imperative.
(d) Transcendental philosophy.

15. What does aesthetics relate to?
(a) Prose and the written word.
(b) Beauty and image.
(c) Logic and rationality.
(d) The process of using reason.

Short Answer Questions

1. What best describes the arguments in Kant's "Critique of Judgment"?

2. Kant believed that what was at the root of all morality?

3. From which critique did Kant's fundamental political right come from?

4. For Kant, what was moral law based on the idea of?

5. Who identified the insatiable goal of almost all philosophers?

(see the answer keys)

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