Kafka Was the Rage: A Greenwich Village Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Anatole Broyard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kafka Was the Rage: A Greenwich Village Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Anatole Broyard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was Maya Deren born?
(a) 1913.
(b) 1914.
(c) 1911.
(d) 1917.

2. What did Anatole not know about Saul's fighting during World War II?
(a) When he fought.
(b) What Saul did.
(c) Why he fought.
(d) On whose side he fought.

3. What did Saul Silverman's mother blame for his illness?
(a) Stress.
(b) The water.
(c) Food poisoning.
(d) Allergens.

4. Where did Anatole move to in Chapter 12?
(a) Sultan Street.
(b) Prince Street.
(c) King Street.
(d) Jackson Street.

5. Anatole's mother slowed her speech when speaking with Sheri because she thought ______________.
(a) Sheri couldn't read.
(b) Sheri was foreign.
(c) Sheri wasn't listening.
(d) Sheri was hard of hearing.

6. For Anatole, sex with Sheri never became what kind of experience?
(a) Strange.
(b) Alienating.
(c) Intimate.
(d) Fearful.

7. Although Anatole admired Delmore's intellectualism and love of the literary, it was almost as though his head was so wrapped up in books that he was unable to accept _____________.
(a) Love.
(b) Religion.
(c) His true self.
(d) The raw data of reality.

8. Anatole related that when Pablito, a ticket taker, would not allow a man in who hadn't paid, the man _________.
(a) Cried.
(b) Pulled a switchblade on him.
(c) Spit on him.
(d) Argued with him.

9. Who knocked at Anatole's door in Chapter 12?
(a) A police detective.
(b) Doug Hall.
(c) His mother.
(d) Sheri.

10. Anatole's friend Saul was a romantic intellect because he didn't want to change people's politics, but he did want to change their _______________.
(a) Sensibilities.
(b) Appearance.
(c) Religion.
(d) Opinions.

11. What was Sheri doing when Anatole found her in the middle of the night in Chapter 10?
(a) Writing.
(b) Thinking.
(c) Praying.
(d) Trying to kill herself.

12. When was Ernest Hemingway born?
(a) 1899.
(b) 1908.
(c) 1907.
(d) 1910.

13. How did Sheri usually sleep with Anatole?
(a) Beneath him.
(b) On top of him.
(c) Beside him.
(d) Not looking at him.

14. When Pablito returned to the club in Spanish Harlem, where was he injured?
(a) His arm.
(b) His knee.
(c) His foot.
(d) His head.

15. Who asked Anatole to come with him to the station in Chapter 12?
(a) Captain Stevens.
(b) Captain Montrose.
(c) Detective Miller.
(d) Detective Scanlon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Anatole thought that Sheri was weird, and she felt that he was ______________.

2. Who helped bring together the book and publication of Kafka Was the Rage: A Greenwich Village Memoir after Anatole Broyard's death?

3. What did Anatole do with Sheri after her surprise visit in Chapter 11?

4. What was Maya Deren's principle profession?

5. Virginia Woolf was a significant figure in London literary society and a member of what group?

(see the answer keys)

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