Just Us: An American Conversation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Claudia Rankine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Just Us: An American Conversation Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Claudia Rankine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What illness did Rankine suffer and recover from?
(a) Breast cancer.
(b) Pancreatic cancer.
(c) Diabetes.
(d) A heart attack.

2. Which social justice activist talked often about the so-called culture of whiteness?
(a) Fabian Fabrize.
(b) Ruby Sales.
(c) Justin Roamley.
(d) Marshall Maverick.

3. What does Rankine notice in Part I about her "banter" with strangers?
(a) She finds that she always ends up talking with other people working in academia.
(b) She ends up speaking with younger people constantly.
(c) She does not often fall into conversation with white men.
(d) She never ends up talking with Asian people.

4. What does Rankine say she wants her daughter to be able to "negotiate the world" with?
(a) Justice.
(b) Optimism.
(c) Faith in the police.
(d) Emphatic imagination.

5. What does Rankine identify as an "idle thought" when discussing her daughter's school and the white parents there?
(a) The idea of playing the race card.
(b) The idea of affirmative action.
(c) The idea that someday America might really be a post-racial society.
(d) The idea of a shared anxiety with white parents regarding the lack of diversity at the school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did police often ask Rankine and her husband when they were pulled over in New York City and New Jersey?

2. What did the man on the plane tell Rankine he misrepresented to her in his story about his hometown?

3. What does a white male friend of Rankine's who was recently passed over for a job tell Rankine about it?

4. Which city in Michigan suffered from lead-tainted water?

5. Who popularized the phrase "white privilege"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the tension for Rankine as she expresses it in her poem in Part I in the call to change?

2. In Part II, why does a white friend of Rankine's tell her she has to defend Rankine to her own white friends?

3. What rude and racist behavior does Rankine routinely encounter at airports?

4. What image does Rankine include in the book that a British media personality, Danny Baker, tweeted after the birth of the royal family's mixed-race baby in 2019?

5. What does Rankine quote Malcolm X as saying about Black women in America?

6. How does Rankine feel contemplating the overwhelmingly white parents and teachers at her daughter's school?

7. What reason does one white man offer to Rankine as an explanation as to why his son did not get accepted through early decision to Yale University?

8. What historical document from the 1700s does Rankine include extensive sections of in Part II?

9. Why does Rankine undertake a series of casual conversations with white male travelers on airplanes?

10. What does Rankine describe Beyonce's album Lemonade as dealing with?

(see the answer keys)

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