Just Us: An American Conversation Test | Final Test - Easy

Claudia Rankine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Just Us: An American Conversation Test | Final Test - Easy

Claudia Rankine
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the audience instructed to do at the end of the play in Part III?
(a) They were asked to get a glass of water and take it outside.
(b) They were asked to pull the fire alarms in the theater.
(c) They were asked to clap very loudly.
(d) White audience members were invited onto the stage and Black audience members were asked to stay in their seats.

2. What does Rankine refer to when she uses the term "R and R" in Part III?
(a) Ruminations and Reparations.
(b) Reconstruction and Remorse.
(c) Reparations and Reconstruction.
(d) Rest and Relaxation.

3. Which first lady does the actress who becomes blacklisted speak with in the 1960s, which leads to her being blacklisted?
(a) Jackie Kennedy.
(b) Lady Bird Johnson.
(c) Mamie Eisenhower.
(d) Rosalind Carter.

4. What is the title of Ellen D. Wu's widely cited history on Asian Americans?
(a) Creating Community.
(b) The Price of Integration: The Origins of the Model Minority and Asian Americans.
(c) Finding Their Place: Asian Americans Today.
(d) The Color of Success: Asian Americans and the Origins of the Model Minority.

5. What does Rankine quote comedian Chris Rock as saying in Part IV?
(a) Black people's humor comes from much tragedy.
(b) White people should walk in his shoes for one day.
(c) Black people are survivors and white people could learn from that.
(d) No white man in the audience would change places with him, and he is rich.

6. What phrase do people who want to excuse men's inappropriate or even abusive behavior towards women often say, according to Rankine?
(a) It is what it is.
(b) Boys will be boys.
(c) You can not have an omlette without breaking some eggs.
(d) They made him do it.

7. What question does a white man ask his female partner in an airport line that greatly turns Rankine and other passengers off in Part IV?
(a) Do you want me to hit you?
(b) Do you not realize how fat you are?
(c) Are you stupid?
(d) Why can you never do anything right?

8. What claim of psychologist Kristina Olson's does Rankine cite on children and racial preferences?
(a) By 3 or 4 years of age, white children in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and Europe show preferences for other white children.
(b) By about 3 months old, American, Canadia, and Australian children show some signs of racial preferences.
(c) By about 15 years of age, American children show no real racial preferences.
(d) By about 10 years of age, American children show racial preferences.

9. What does Rankine say to her white friend at the end of the play they see together in Part III?
(a) I didn't know you had this much hate in your heart.
(b) I didn't know you didn't like me.
(c) I didn't know you were racist.
(d) I didn't know you were Black.

10. Which senator does Rankine identify as having tried to justify white voters' reluctance to vote for Black candidates in the 2018 midterm elections?
(a) Graham Glenwald.
(b) Richard Blumenthal.
(c) Bernie Sanders.
(d) Mitch McConnell.

11. Which experiment results were used in the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case to show the adverse effect of racism on Black children?
(a) The doll tests.
(b) The marshmallow tests.
(c) The singer tests.
(d) The Lucifer tests.

12. What does conversing risk mean, according to Rankine in Part IV?
(a) Persecution.
(b) Silence.
(c) Destruction.
(d) The unraveling of the said and the unsaid.

13. What does the white female judge say in Part IV about her son that shocks Rankine?
(a) He joined the army but does not want to serve in the same unit with Blacks.
(b) He is not allowed to attend a university in a majority Black city.
(c) She has forbidden him to propose to his Black girlfriend.
(d) She is worried about his safety because he is moving to Brooklyn.

14. What does Rankine question how far away she can get from by using the language of inquiry in Part IV?
(a) Racism.
(b) Confrontation.
(c) Blame.
(d) Peace.

15. What does the sign the man in the photograph on page 140 of this book say?
(a) I do not have enough food to eat; how can I be privileged?
(b) No whites, no service.
(c) I am not white male privilege.
(d) I am not ashamed/afraid to be white.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did a young boy tell his classmate, who was the child of a friend of Rankine's, he had done by giving Goldilocks dark skin in a picture he colored?

2. What name does Rankine write that Senator Ted Cruz was formerly known by?

3. What does Rankine insist at a dinner party in Part III was a major cause of Donald Trump's presidential election in 2016?

4. What does Rankine write that George Wallace attributed his political success to?

5. In what year did the Smithsonian Institution put on its first major show focused on the work of Latinos?

(see the answer keys)

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