Jurassic Park Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jurassic Park Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the raptors head after leaving the nests?
(a) To the helicopter pad.
(b) To the river.
(c) To the ocean.
(d) To the lodge.

2. After searching the computer codes for over twelve hours, what is Arnold still unable to locate in the code?
(a) The code to fire up the main generator.
(b) The code to electrify the fences.
(c) The code to secure the raptor pen.
(d) The code to turn the phones back on.

3. After Malcolm uncovers a glitch in the computer's accounting of the dinosaurs on the island, how many dinosaurs are present?
(a) 252.
(b) 247.
(c) 238.
(d) 292.

4. What characteristic does Hammond determine that neither Wu nor Arnold truly possessed?
(a) Leadership.
(b) Strength.
(c) Vision.
(d) Loyalty.

5. According to the veterinarian, where is the real power of most big carnivores located?
(a) In the jaw muscles.
(b) In the neck muscles.
(c) In the hind legs.
(d) In the front arms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Dr. Grant and the children take shelter for the night in the park?

2. What type of dinosaur comes near Tim after being attracted to the noise the Land Cruiser makes when it crashes?

3. After escaping from the aviary, Grant and the children continue to float down the river but realize they are being stalked by an animal following them along the river's edge just behind the trees. What is stalking the trio?

4. After shooting the T-rex with the tranquilizer, what does the T-rex do?

5. What startles John Hammond as he walks through the compound musing about his next venture?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Grant and the children are floating down the river, they come to the aviary and notice that it is not yet finished. Why do they decide to stop in the aviary anyway?

2. After power is restored and Malcolm and Hammond are safe in the lodge, they begin to discuss the fate of the planet. Hammond asserts that the planet is in danger. Malcolm disagrees. What does Malcolm believe?

3. While hiding from the Tyrannosaurus rex after fleeing the electric car, Ed Regis is visibly upset and feeling very guilty. Why does Ed feel guilty?

4. As Dr. Grant tries to lead the raptors away from where Gennaro and the children are trapped, he finds the hatchery. Why is Grant excited to be in the hatchery?

5. As Hammond wanders through the compound after leaving Malcolm's bedside, what does he plan to do with the next phase of his life?

6. When Arnold finally spots the T-rex and radios the dinosaur's position to Muldoon and Gennaro, why does Muldoon become irritated with Arnold?

7. Nedry modifies the computer program in order to hide the theft of the embryos and buy enough time for him to meet the boat at the east dock. What exactly does Nedry program the computer to do?

8. Why is Grant unable to contact the control room and advise them that the ship needs to be recalled just before the cars grind to a stop and are unable to move?

9. Hammond is proud that the motion sensors cover 92% of the park. Malcolm maintains that the sensors are inadequate. Why?

10. Why does the mention of Malcolm's name convince Arnold to shut down and reboot the entire computer system?

(see the answer keys)

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