Jurassic Park Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jurassic Park Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the raft Grant and the children are floating on continues down the river, they encounter two dilophosaurs at the river's edge and are reluctant to disturb them. What are the two dilophosaurs doing?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Eating.
(c) Fighting.
(d) Mating.

2. What kind of insects with six-foot wingspans fly by the children as they leave the maintenance shed?
(a) Mosquitoes.
(b) Flying ants.
(c) Horse flies.
(d) Dragonflies.

3. How many breeding sites does Grant figure are operating on the island?
(a) One.
(b) Seven.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

4. According to Malcolm, what does the "Malcolm Effect" imply?
(a) Disillusionment.
(b) Chaos.
(c) Intelligent reasoning.
(d) Catastrophic changes.

5. Who discovers Nedry's disabling code in the computer system?
(a) Hammond.
(b) Arnold.
(c) Gennaro.
(d) Muldoon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the group decide should act as bait in order to distract the raptors so the maintenance shed can be successfully reached?

2. What does Hammond suggest to Muldoon as a way to get the tyrannosaurus back in the correct paddock?

3. As the electric cars are headed back to the compound, Tim begins yelling about the boat leaving the dock. What does Tim spot on the back of the boat?

4. What type of dinosaur comes near Tim after being attracted to the noise the Land Cruiser makes when it crashes?

5. What does Dr. Wu suggest that Arnold do to bypass the code that Nedry placed in the system to disable the phones?

Short Essay Questions

1. Since paleontologists had been digging up bones for years, what did Grant realize that he had forgotten as he was standing on the beach watching the raptors?

2. Why does the mention of Malcolm's name convince Arnold to shut down and reboot the entire computer system?

3. Describe why Arnold is somewhat impressed by the code that Nedry had programmed in to the computer system to disable the system while Nedry stole the embryos.

4. While dining with Dr. Wu as the storm rages on the island, what fear does John Hammond admit to?

5. Explain why the computer only accounted for 238 dinosaurs on the island when there were, as proven through Malcolm's testing, more than 238 dinosaurs on the island.

6. As Grant and the children are floating down the river, they come to the aviary and notice that it is not yet finished. Why do they decide to stop in the aviary anyway?

7. The conversation that Grant has with his visitor at the pool in San Juan finally reveals why the Hammond Foundation only supported archeological digs in northern climates. Why?

8. How does Dr. Grant gain access to the secure areas of the visitor center once the power has been restored and all of the security doors are again locked?

9. How do Tim and Lex survive their encounter with the raptor in the lodge?

10. When Grant finds Gennaro in the truck at the generator's maintenance building, Gennaro is relieved to see him and relieved that the compys that had been surrounding the truck left when Grant approached. Grant is not surprised the compys didn't attack Gennaro. Why?

(see the answer keys)

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