Juneteenth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Juneteenth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the person who interrupts the large Juneteenth ceremony claim Bliss's real name is?
(a) Charles.
(b) Cudworth.
(c) Carlson.
(d) Cuddlebumpkin.

2. What does Hickman think might help the senator while he is lying in his hospital bed?
(a) Praying together.
(b) A visiting choir.
(c) Pictures of his children.
(d) Positive memories of their past together.

3. How long does reverend Hickman wait at the wounded senator's bedside?
(a) He never waits by his bedside; he only waits in the hallway.
(b) Until he wakes up.
(c) Only for an afternoon.
(d) Only for a minute.

4. How does Bliss remember feeling inside of the tiny coffin during the large Juneteenth revival?
(a) Panicked and fearful.
(b) Eager and excited.
(c) Happy and content.
(d) Tired and bored.

5. How long does Bliss feel like he has to wait to be cued out of the coffin?
(a) An eternity.
(b) Five minutes.
(c) Not long enough; he likes it in there.
(d) No more than a minute or two.

6. What can Bliss see inside his tiny coffin?
(a) His glow-in-the-dark stickers.
(b) Nothing at all.
(c) The coffin lining.
(d) Lights from outside.

7. Where is the person who interrupts the large Juneteenth revival ceremony ultimately taken?
(a) To the hospital.
(b) To jail.
(c) To a nunnery.
(d) To her house.

8. How many people did Senator Sunraider sometimes preach to in his childhood?
(a) One hundred.
(b) Fifty.
(c) Five thousand.
(d) One dozen.

9. What kind of job does A.Z. have?
(a) Reverend.
(b) Teacher.
(c) Hunter.
(d) Firefighter.

10. What does the senator suggest Reverend Hickman might have otherwise done with his life?
(a) Been a trumpet player.
(b) Been a playwright.
(c) Been a guitarist.
(d) Been a chef.

11. What does the person who interrupts the large Juneteenth ceremony want?
(a) To be baptised.
(b) To give her confession.
(c) To take Bliss home.
(d) To become a nun.

12. Who is Bowlegs?
(a) The senator's dog.
(b) The nickname the senator had as a child.
(c) The bully who starts a fight with Bliss.
(d) The senator's godfather.

13. What color Bible does the young senator hold when he comes out of the coffin during revivals as a child?
(a) White.
(b) Light blue.
(c) Black.
(d) Brown (leather).

14. What does the person who disrupts the large Juneteenth revival ceremony look like?
(a) A Latina woman with long, beautiful braids.
(b) A white woman with severe burn scars.
(c) A white woman with unruy hair.
(d) A black woman in a wheelchair.

15. What analogy does Ellison use to describe Laly and Bliss's love?
(a) Like two snakes.
(b) Like two dolphins.
(c) Like two lions.
(d) Like two birds.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color lining does Bliss's coffin (used during the large Juneteenth revival) have?

2. Who disrupts the large Juneteenth revival ceremony?

3. What secret object does the young senator always sneak into the coffin he hides in during church services?

4. What promise does Bliss make to Laly?

5. What does Reverend Hickman compare fractured slave families to?

(see the answer keys)

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