Jumping the Nail Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jumping the Nail Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Dru stare out the window in Tom's car?
(a) So she can see which way to go.
(b) So she will not get upset with Diane.
(c) She is trying to figure out if it is going to rain.
(d) She does not like Diane's driving.

2. Who is Mike's ex-girlfriend?
(a) Diane.
(b) Susan.
(c) Debbie.
(d) Patricia.

3. What does Hopi say to the group?
(a) He would never be stupid enough to jump.
(b) He thinks Scooter is arrogant.
(c) He is leaving for college on Monday.
(d) He will jump the next week.

4. What does Scooter say jumping off the Nail does?
(a) Separates the men from the boys.
(b) Shows how stupid a person can be.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Makes someone better.

5. What do the rumors say about who might jump with Scooter?
(a) That his ex-girlfriend will jump if he does.
(b) That Elisa will jump with him.
(c) That no one else is going to jump.
(d) That Mike will jump with him.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Mike and Dru get back to Mike's car?

2. What is the temperature of the water off the Nail like?

3. What is Dru doing at the opening of Chapter One?

4. Whose boot comes floating to the surface of the water?

5. Why does Dru want to leave the Nail?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Dru want to do once she and Mike get back to the top of the Nail, who is Hopi and what does he give Dru?

2. Why does Jeremy know about the girl who was injured jumping, and what happens with his talk with Scooter the night before the jump?

3. What is the Nail and who has been hurt on it?

4. What does Scooter do while he is waiting for Elisa, what does Dru ask Elisa about Scooter's behavior and what is Elisa's response?

5. What happens when Scooter and Elisa jump and immediately after?

6. Whose house does Dru pass and what does she think when she passes it?

7. Who drives Dru and MIke back to Mike's car and what is Diane like?

8. How does Dru feel towards Scooter after Elisa tells Dru about the drowned girl and what does Elisa say to her?

9. What do Scooter and Elisa bring to the Nail with them, how is Scooter feeling, how does Elisa react to Dru and what does Scooter go do?

10. Why is Dru different from the other teenagers at the Nail, what rumor does one teen say to Dru?

(see the answer keys)

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