Jumping the Nail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jumping the Nail Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Scooter tell Elisa?
(a) To drinnk a beer.
(b) To yell louder.
(c) To chill out and that she is crazy.
(d) To go home.

2. What is the name of Tom's twin?
(a) Grant.
(b) Matthew.
(c) Anderson.
(d) Jeremy.

3. What does Dru's mother say to her about Mike?
(a) He is just like his father.
(b) He is a spoiled brat.
(c) He is only out to sleep with Dru.
(d) Dru should stay in town or he will find someone else.

4. What did Mike ask Dru when he first started liking her?
(a) If she liked surfers.
(b) If she thought he was too wild for her.
(c) How she was able to get such good grades.
(d) If she was a ballet dancer.

5. Why does the music stop?
(a) The electricity goes off.
(b) Tom's twin pulls the plug out.
(c) The record is done playing.
(d) The jukebox breaks.

6. What does Dru say to Elisa about boys?
(a) They are generally a lot dumber than girls.
(b) They are not worth the effort.
(c) They are mostly insecure.
(d) She and Elisa cannot be watchdogs.

7. Who do Mike and Dru sit next to at the party?
(a) Scooter and Elisa.
(b) Beverly and James.
(c) Jeremy and Susan.
(d) Tom and Diane.

8. Why does Elisa keep getting upset?
(a) She thinks Scooter is angry at her.
(b) She sees the drowned girl out the window.
(c) She does not like being the center of attention.
(d) She thinks the teenagers are mocking her.

9. What is Dru's response to her oldest sister's question?
(a) Mike would never ask her to jump.
(b) She thinks Elisa needs help.
(c) She hopes their parents will get back together.
(d) She will visit in early August.

10. What does Tom say when the music stops?
(a) He and his twin are going home.
(b) He and his twin will jump that night.
(c) Jumping the Nail does not make someone a hero.
(d) Diane is a faithless girl.

11. Who has engineered the celebration for Elisa and Scooter?
(a) Jeremy.
(b) Mike.
(c) Tom.
(d) Diane.

12. What is wrong with Tom's face at the end of Chapter 11?
(a) He has a black eye from Hopi.
(b) His face is bleeding.
(c) He has a large bruise on his face.
(d) There is nothing wrong with his face.

13. What does Dru tell Tom about what Elisa saw?
(a) That there is a wrecked ship in the water.
(b) That there is an old car in the water.
(c) That there is a ghost in the water.
(d) That the water is not cold but hard.

14. What does Mike say to Tom?
(a) He should have ducked the fist.
(b) He is an fool about Diane.
(c) He is brave but dumb.
(d) He should not be drinking beer.

15. What does Mike say about the police?
(a) They cannot wait to catch someone in the act.
(b) They are never at the Nail.
(c) They could get Tom for underaged drinking.
(d) They have arrested Scooter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dru say about the police?

2. What is Dru's response to Elisa?

3. What does Diane do when she comes up to Mike and Dru?

4. Where do Dru and Mike go for a walk from the party?

5. What does Dru do at her house before the party?

(see the answer keys)

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